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Not sure I completely understand the question.

The following should at least be a step in the right direction.

Define one_dimension_less as intended in the question.

def one_dimension_less(representationH):
    x = vector(SR, SR.var('x_', 3))
    ieqs = [[el.A()*x + el.b() >= 0] for el in DH]
    sol = [solve_ineq(ieq, [x[0]]) for ieq in ieqs]
    sol_r = flatten([x[1] for x in sol])
    ineq_ge = [z for z in sol_r if z.rhs() == x[0]]
    ineq_le = [z for z in sol_r if z.lhs() == x[0]]
    ineq_a = [z for z in sol_r if z.lhs() != x[0] and z.rhs() != x[0]]
    ineq_aa = [(z.lhs()).full_simplify() >= 0 for z in ineq_a]
    result = flatten(ineq_aa + [
                [(ineq_le[j].rhs() - ineq_ge[i].lhs()).full_simplify() >= 0
                 for i in range(len(ineq_ge))]
                for  j in range(len(ineq_le))])
    return result

Use it:

sage: D = polytopes.dodecahedron()
sage: DH = D.Hrepresentation()
sage: PD1 = one_dimension_less(DH)
sage: PD1
[-x_2*(sqrt(5) + 1) - 2*x_1 + 4 >= 0,
 -x_2*(sqrt(5) + 1) + 2*x_1 + 4 >= 0,
 x_2*(sqrt(5) + 1) - 2*x_1 + 4 >= 0,
 x_2*(sqrt(5) + 1) + 2*x_1 + 4 >= 0,
 -x_1*(sqrt(5) + 1) + 4 >= 0,
 4 >= 0,
 -(2*x_1*(sqrt(5) + 2) + x_2*(sqrt(5) + 1) - 4*sqrt(5) - 8)/(sqrt(5) + 3) >= 0,
 -(2*x_1*(sqrt(5) + 2) - x_2*(sqrt(5) + 1) - 4*sqrt(5) - 8)/(sqrt(5) + 3) >= 0,
 4 >= 0,
 x_1*(sqrt(5) + 1) + 4 >= 0,
 (2*x_1*(sqrt(5) + 2) - x_2*(sqrt(5) + 1) + 4*sqrt(5) + 8)/(sqrt(5) + 3) >= 0,
 (2*x_1*(sqrt(5) + 2) + x_2*(sqrt(5) + 1) + 4*sqrt(5) + 8)/(sqrt(5) + 3) >= 0,
 -(2*x_1*(sqrt(5) + 2) + x_2*(sqrt(5) + 1) - 4*sqrt(5) - 8)/(sqrt(5) + 3) >= 0,
 (2*x_1*(sqrt(5) + 2) - x_2*(sqrt(5) + 1) + 4*sqrt(5) + 8)/(sqrt(5) + 3) >= 0,
 -2*(x_2*(sqrt(5) + 1) - 2*sqrt(5) - 2)/(sqrt(5) + 3) >= 0,
 8/(sqrt(5) + 1) >= 0,
 -(2*x_1*(sqrt(5) + 2) - x_2*(sqrt(5) + 1) - 4*sqrt(5) - 8)/(sqrt(5) + 3) >= 0,
 (2*x_1*(sqrt(5) + 2) + x_2*(sqrt(5) + 1) + 4*sqrt(5) + 8)/(sqrt(5) + 3) >= 0,
 8/(sqrt(5) + 1) >= 0,
 2*(x_2*(sqrt(5) + 1) + 2*sqrt(5) + 2)/(sqrt(5) + 3) >= 0]

Examine one of the inequalities:

sage: ieq = PD1[0]
sage: ieq
-x_2*(sqrt(5) + 1) - 2*x_1 + 4 >= 0

Grab its left hand side:

sage: lhs = ieq.lhs()
sage: lhs
-x_2*(sqrt(5) + 1) - 2*x_1 + 4

Get the constant coefficient:

sage: lhs(x_0=0, x_1=0, x_2=0)

Same with a substitution dictionary:

sage: lhs({x_0: 0, x_1: 0, x_2: 0})

Get the coefficients of the variables:

sage: lhs.coefficient(x_0)
sage: lhs.coefficient(x_1)
sage: lhs.coefficient(x_2)
-sqrt(5) - 1

All in one go:

sage: x = vector(SR.var('x_', 3))
sage: A = vector(lhs.coefficient(xi) for xi in x)
sage: A
(0, -2, -sqrt(5) - 1)

sage: b = lhs({xi: 0 for xi in x})
sage: b

Reform the inequation:

sage: ieq_tuple = (b,) + tuple(A)
sage: ieq_tuple
(4, 0, -2, -sqrt(5) - 1)

Make that into a function:

def tuple_from_ieq(ieq, x):
    Return the tuple for an inequation.


    - ``ieq`` -- an inequation, assumed to be of the form
      ``a_0 * x_0 + ... + a_n * x_n + b >= 0``
    - ``x`` -- a multidimensional variable
      as a list, tuple or vector ``(x_0, ..., x_n)``

    OUTPUT: the tuple ``(b, a_0, ..., a_n)``.
    b = lhs({xi: 0 for xi in x})
    A = vector(lhs.coefficient(xi) for xi in x)
    return (b,) + tuple(A)

Use it:

sage: x = vector(SR.var('x_', 3))
sage: tuple_from_ieq(PD1[0])
(4, 0, -2, -sqrt(5) - 1)

Not sure I completely understand the question.

The following should at least be a step in the right direction.

Define one_dimension_less as intended in the question.

def one_dimension_less(representationH):
    x = vector(SR, SR.var('x_', 3))
    ieqs = [[el.A()*x + el.b() >= 0] for el in DH]
    sol = [solve_ineq(ieq, [x[0]]) for ieq in ieqs]
    sol_r = flatten([x[1] for x in sol])
    ineq_ge = [z for z in sol_r if z.rhs() == x[0]]
    ineq_le = [z for z in sol_r if z.lhs() == x[0]]
    ineq_a = [z for z in sol_r if z.lhs() != x[0] and z.rhs() != x[0]]
    ineq_aa = [(z.lhs()).full_simplify() >= 0 for z in ineq_a]
    result = flatten(ineq_aa + [
                [(ineq_le[j].rhs() - ineq_ge[i].lhs()).full_simplify() >= 0
                 for i in range(len(ineq_ge))]
                for  j in range(len(ineq_le))])
    return result

Use it:

sage: D = polytopes.dodecahedron()
sage: DH = D.Hrepresentation()
sage: PD1 = one_dimension_less(DH)
sage: PD1
[-x_2*(sqrt(5) + 1) - 2*x_1 + 4 >= 0,
 -x_2*(sqrt(5) + 1) + 2*x_1 + 4 >= 0,
 x_2*(sqrt(5) + 1) - 2*x_1 + 4 >= 0,
 x_2*(sqrt(5) + 1) + 2*x_1 + 4 >= 0,
 -x_1*(sqrt(5) + 1) + 4 >= 0,
 4 >= 0,
 -(2*x_1*(sqrt(5) + 2) + x_2*(sqrt(5) + 1) - 4*sqrt(5) - 8)/(sqrt(5) + 3) >= 0,
 -(2*x_1*(sqrt(5) + 2) - x_2*(sqrt(5) + 1) - 4*sqrt(5) - 8)/(sqrt(5) + 3) >= 0,
 4 >= 0,
 x_1*(sqrt(5) + 1) + 4 >= 0,
 (2*x_1*(sqrt(5) + 2) - x_2*(sqrt(5) + 1) + 4*sqrt(5) + 8)/(sqrt(5) + 3) >= 0,
 (2*x_1*(sqrt(5) + 2) + x_2*(sqrt(5) + 1) + 4*sqrt(5) + 8)/(sqrt(5) + 3) >= 0,
 -(2*x_1*(sqrt(5) + 2) + x_2*(sqrt(5) + 1) - 4*sqrt(5) - 8)/(sqrt(5) + 3) >= 0,
 (2*x_1*(sqrt(5) + 2) - x_2*(sqrt(5) + 1) + 4*sqrt(5) + 8)/(sqrt(5) + 3) >= 0,
 -2*(x_2*(sqrt(5) + 1) - 2*sqrt(5) - 2)/(sqrt(5) + 3) >= 0,
 8/(sqrt(5) + 1) >= 0,
 -(2*x_1*(sqrt(5) + 2) - x_2*(sqrt(5) + 1) - 4*sqrt(5) - 8)/(sqrt(5) + 3) >= 0,
 (2*x_1*(sqrt(5) + 2) + x_2*(sqrt(5) + 1) + 4*sqrt(5) + 8)/(sqrt(5) + 3) >= 0,
 8/(sqrt(5) + 1) >= 0,
 2*(x_2*(sqrt(5) + 1) + 2*sqrt(5) + 2)/(sqrt(5) + 3) >= 0]

Examine one of the inequalities:

sage: ieq = PD1[0]
sage: ieq
-x_2*(sqrt(5) + 1) - 2*x_1 + 4 >= 0

Grab its left hand side:

sage: lhs = ieq.lhs()
sage: lhs
-x_2*(sqrt(5) + 1) - 2*x_1 + 4

Get the constant coefficient:

sage: lhs(x_0=0, x_1=0, x_2=0)

Same with a substitution dictionary:

sage: lhs({x_0: 0, x_1: 0, x_2: 0})

Get the coefficients of the variables:

sage: lhs.coefficient(x_0)
sage: lhs.coefficient(x_1)
sage: lhs.coefficient(x_2)
-sqrt(5) - 1

All in one go:

sage: x = vector(SR.var('x_', 3))
sage: A = vector(lhs.coefficient(xi) for xi in x)
sage: A
(0, -2, -sqrt(5) - 1)

sage: b = lhs({xi: 0 for xi in x})
sage: b

Reform the inequation:

sage: ieq_tuple = (b,) + tuple(A)
sage: ieq_tuple
(4, 0, -2, -sqrt(5) - 1)

Make that into a function:

def tuple_from_ieq(ieq, x):
    Return the tuple for an inequation.


    - ``ieq`` -- an inequation, assumed to be of the form
      ``a_0 * x_0 + ... + a_n * x_n + b >= 0``
    - ``x`` -- a multidimensional variable
      as a list, tuple or vector ``(x_0, ..., x_n)``

    OUTPUT: the tuple ``(b, a_0, ..., a_n)``.
    b = lhs({xi: 0 for xi in x})
    A = vector(lhs.coefficient(xi) for xi in x)
    return (b,) + tuple(A)

Use it:

sage: x = vector(SR.var('x_', 3))
sage: tuple_from_ieq(PD1[0])
t = tuple_from_ieq(PD1[0], x)
sage: t
(4, 0, -2, -sqrt(5) - 1)

Convert to algebraic numbers:

sage: tt = vector(AA, t)
sage: tt
(4, 0, -2, -3.236067977499790?)

sage: Polyhedron(ieqs=[tt])
A 3-dimensional polyhedron in AA^3 defined as
the convex hull of 1 vertex, 1 ray, 2 lines