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The full code for the arara rule is:

# SageTeX-Rule for arara.
# Dear Windows-users, please check the paths
# pathToBashExecutive    and    pathToSageStartfile
# due to your Sage-installation!
identifier: sagetex
name: SageTeX
- TeXnician (Author)
- cis (Idea)
- Pedro J (final fix)
arguments: []
- name: A SageTeX Rule for arara
  command: >
        pathToBashExecutive = "C:\\Program Files\\SageMath 9.1\\runtime\\bin\\bash";
        pathToSageStartfile = "C:/Program Files/SageMath 9.1/runtime/opt/sagemath-9.1/sage";
        pathOfCurrentWorkingFolder = currentFile().getParent();
        theWindowsCommand = getCommand(pathToBashExecutive, "-l", pathToSageStartfile, "-c", "os.chdir(r'" + pathOfCurrentWorkingFolder + "'); load('" + getBasename(currentFile()) + ".sagetex.sage')");
        return isWindows(theWindowsCommand, getCommand("sage", getBasename(reference) + ".sagetex.sage"));