1 | initial version |
Since you know that the variables are x
and y
grab their coefficients in each entry of A
Use list comprehension to build a list of lists out of that.
Then create a matrix from this list of list.
The variables:
sage: x, y = SR.var('x, y')
The matrix A
sage: A = matrix([[x], [x - 2*y]])
sage: A
[ x]
[x - 2*y]
The vector of variables:
sage: b = matrix([[x], [y]])
The matrix of coefficients:
sage: C = matrix([[e.coefficient(x), e.coefficient(y)] for row in A for e in row])
sage: C, b, C*b, A
[ 1 0] [x] [ x] [ x]
[ 1 -2], [y], [x - 2*y], [x - 2*y]