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contemplate :

sage: maxima.factor(2*a3 - 2*a6)
sage: maxima.factor(2*a3 - 2*a6).sage()
2*a3 - 2*a6

Appaeently, Sage's output algorithm chooses the sum of two monomials to the product of such a sum by another monomial. Because it is "simplet" ? And, BTW :

sage: (2*a3 - 2*a6).factor()
2*a3 - 2*a6
sage: (2*a3 - 2*a6).collect_common_factors()
2*a3 - 2*a6
sage: (2*a3 - 2*a6).maxima_methods().factor()
2*a3 - 2*a6