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sage -c is the invocation of sage to execute some command, and has no meaning by itself. if should be followed by command. For example :

charpent@zen-book-flip:~$ sage -c "print(2+2)"

However, on Linux, sage -c does nothing but terminates normally. This might be a Windows-specific quirk.

What happens when you type sage (alone, i. e. without -c) ?

Could you copy the content of the error message printed when you try to start the notebook from its icon ?

sage -c is the invocation of sage to execute some command, and has no meaning by itself. if should be followed by command. For example :

charpent@zen-book-flip:~$ sage -c "print(2+2)"

However, on Linux, sage -c does nothing but terminates normally. This might be a Windows-specific quirk.

What happens when you type sage (alone, i. e. without -c) ?

Could you copy the content of the error message printed when you try to start the notebook from its icon ?

EDIT : I haven't been able to reproduce your problem. However, a minor but possibly related buglet is now issue 50 on the Sage windows installer Github page.