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click to hide/show revision 1
initial version

answered 4 years ago

FrédéricC gravatar image

Use exact fields and polynomial rings, avoid the symbolic ring and numerical reals::

sage: K.<a> = QuadraticField(2)                                                   
sage: x = polygen(K, 'x')                                                          
sage: def yx(x):  
....:     cst = a - 1 
....:     if x == 1: 
....:         return -Infinity 
....:     return (cst * x - 1) / (x - 1) 
....: tmp = x  
....: for t in range(1,9):  
....:     tmp = yx(tmp) 
....:     print(t, tmp) 
1 ((a - 1)*x - 1)/(x - 1)
2 (a*x - 1)/x
3 (-x - 1)/(x - a - 1)
4 (1/2*a*x - 1)/(x - 1/2*a)
5 ((a + 1)*x - 1)/(x + 1)
6 (-1)/(x - a)
7 (x - 1)/(x - a + 1)
8 x
click to hide/show revision 2
No.2 Revision

Use exact fields and polynomial rings, avoid the symbolic ring and numerical reals::reals:

sage: K.<a> = QuadraticField(2)                                                   
sage: x = polygen(K, 'x')                                                          
sage: def yx(x):  
....:     cst = a - 1 
....:     if x == 1: 
....:         return -Infinity 
....:     return (cst * x - 1) / (x - 1) 
....: tmp = x  
....: for t in range(1,9):  
....:     tmp = yx(tmp) 
....:     print(t, tmp) 
1 ((a - 1)*x - 1)/(x - 1)
2 (a*x - 1)/x
3 (-x - 1)/(x - a - 1)
4 (1/2*a*x - 1)/(x - 1/2*a)
5 ((a + 1)*x - 1)/(x + 1)
6 (-1)/(x - a)
7 (x - 1)/(x - a + 1)
8 x
click to hide/show revision 3
No.3 Revision

Use exact fields and polynomial rings, avoid the symbolic ring and numerical reals:

sage: K.<a> = QuadraticField(2)                                                   
sage: x = polygen(K, 'x')                                                          
sage: def yx(x):  
....:     cst = a - 1 
....:     if x == 1: 
....:         return -Infinity 
....:     return (cst * x - 1) / (x - 1) 
....: tmp = x  
....: for t in range(1,9):  
....:     tmp = yx(tmp) 
....:     print(t, tmp) 
1 ((a - 1)*x - 1)/(x - 1)
2 (a*x - 1)/x
3 (-x - 1)/(x - a - 1)
4 (1/2*a*x - 1)/(x - 1/2*a)
5 ((a + 1)*x - 1)/(x + 1)
6 (-1)/(x - a)
7 (x - 1)/(x - a + 1)
8 x

EDIT: and when using this with numerical input, the answers are more reasonable

sage: tmp = 1.5                                                                 
sage: for t in range(1,9): 
....:     tmp = yx(tmp) 
....:     print(t, tmp) 
1 -0.757359312880715
2 0.747546895706428
3 2.73459080339014
4 0.0765048437046765
5 1.04852813742386
6 -11.6568542494924
7 0.460495713220364
8 1.50000000000000

The correct answer differs at the 6th value from the wrong computation. Not clear how and why.

click to hide/show revision 4
No.4 Revision

Use exact fields and polynomial rings, avoid the symbolic ring and numerical reals:

sage: K.<a> = QuadraticField(2)                                                   
sage: x = polygen(K, 'x')                                                          
sage: def yx(x):  
....:     cst = a - 1 
....:     if x == 1: 
....:         return -Infinity 
....:     return (cst * x - 1) / (x - 1) 
....: tmp = x  
....: for t in range(1,9):  
....:     tmp = yx(tmp) 
....:     print(t, tmp) 
1 ((a - 1)*x - 1)/(x - 1)
2 (a*x - 1)/x
3 (-x - 1)/(x - a - 1)
4 (1/2*a*x - 1)/(x - 1/2*a)
5 ((a + 1)*x - 1)/(x + 1)
6 (-1)/(x - a)
7 (x - 1)/(x - a + 1)
8 x

EDIT: and when using this with numerical input, the answers are more reasonable

sage: tmp = 1.5                                                                 
sage: for t in range(1,9): 
....:     tmp = yx(tmp) 
....:     print(t, tmp) 
1 -0.757359312880715
2 0.747546895706428
3 2.73459080339014
4 0.0765048437046765
5 1.04852813742386
6 -11.6568542494924
7 0.460495713220364
8 1.50000000000000

The correct answer differs at the 6th value from the wrong computation. Not clear how and why.


Comparing the correct answer and the procedure using the symbolic sqrt(2), one can see precision loss happening, with large exponents for the floating point coefficients of sqrt(2)

(-0.757359312880715, 3.0*sqrt(2) - 5.0)
(0.747546895706428, (-8.0*sqrt(2) + 10.0)/(3.0*sqrt(2) - 6.0))
(2.73459080339014, (-150.0*sqrt(2) + 210.0)/(114.0*sqrt(2) - 162.0))
(0.0765048437046765, (-79524.0*sqrt(2) + 112464.0)/(85176.0*sqrt(2) - 120456.0))
(1.04852813742386, (-25732492128.0*sqrt(2) + 36391239360.0)/(39678297120.0*sqrt(2) - 56113585920.0))
(-11.6568542494924, (-(2.51898761979489e+21)*sqrt(2) + 3.56238645536385e+21)/((7.34086788505619e+21)*sqrt(2) - 1.03815549226356e+22))
(0.460495713220364, ((2.61510083243401e+43)*sqrt(2) - 3.69831106420135e+43)/((2.04721262905725e+44)*sqrt(2) - 2.89519586507424e+44))
(1.50000000000000, ((1.55098758806785e+89)*sqrt(2) - 2.19342768211789e+89)/((1.03399172537856e+89)*sqrt(2) - 1.46228512141192e+89))

So this problem is essentially caused by using a mixture of symbolic sqrt(2) and floating points.