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Regarding this:


File "/home/user/", line 12
gap.eval("return ForAll(S, s -> not(s in Subgroup(G, Filtered(S, t -> (t <> s)))));
SyntaxError: EOL while scanning string literal

This error means that while parsing your code, there was an opening quote signalling the beginning of a string, but by the end of the line no closing quote was found.

The thing is, you put a newline inside a string delimited by " ... ".

Instead, either remove the newline, or use triple quotes: ''' ... ''' or """ ... """.

Regarding this:


File "/home/user/", line 12
gap.eval("return ForAll(S, s -> not(s in Subgroup(G, Filtered(S, t -> (t <> s)))));
SyntaxError: EOL while scanning string literal

This error means that while parsing your code, there was an opening quote signalling the beginning of a string, but by the end of the line no closing quote was found.

The thing is, you put a newline inside a string delimited by " ... ".

Instead, either remove the newline, or use triple quotes: ''' ... ''' or """ ... """.

Also, consider using libgap.eval instead of gap.eval.