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sage: x = -5564456128*e + 15125759978
sage: (x-1/47749).n(digits=50)

As usual, stay exact as long as possible... The chapters of this book dedicated to numerical computation may enlighten you...

Note that a "visual" comparison based on :

sage: "%8.6g, %8.6g"%(x,1/47749)
'2.09808e-05, 2.09428e-05'

misses the target by about two magnitude orders (implying a difference of about 4e-8...).

Note also that :

sage: (x-1/47749).is_zero()
sage: (x-1/47749).is_positive()
sage: (x-1/47749).is_negative()

which is surprising, but conformant to the definitions of the methods : nothoing is known nor deducible about these quantities, and only numerical computation of their differences allows to answer the question.