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click to hide/show revision 1
initial version

The "About" section of the SageCell website home page has these paragraphs:

SageMathCell project is an easy-to-use web interface to a free open-source mathematics software system SageMath.

It allows embedding Sage computations into any webpage: check out short instructions or comprehensive description of capabilities.

with the following links:

That "comprehensive description of capabilities" page has a section dedicated to your question:

which says

When multiple input locations are given, this sets whether the code from these cells is to be executed from the same kernel, so that code executed in one will affect the execution of code from another cell:

{ ..
linked: boolean
.. }

This option is false by default.

So try using linked: true.

click to hide/show revision 2
No.2 Revision

SageCell linked cells


The "About" section of the SageCell website home page has these paragraphs:

SageMathCell project is an easy-to-use web interface to a free open-source mathematics software system SageMath.

It allows embedding Sage computations into any webpage: check out short instructions or comprehensive description of capabilities.

with the following links:

That "comprehensive description of capabilities" page has a section dedicated to your question:

which says

When multiple input locations are given, this sets whether the code from these cells is to be executed from the same kernel, so that code executed in one will affect the execution of code from another cell:

{ ..
linked: boolean
.. }

This option is false by default.

So try using linked: true.


Many pages online use SageCell with linked cells.

PreTeXt is an authoring system allowing, in addition to (or instead of) a pdf version of documents, to produce an html version with executable code cells, using SageCell.

The PreTeXt home page links to a few examples, including:

which has a page about using Sage via SageCell:

See in particular

which conveniently has several cells.

Try typing a = 2 in the first one, executing (by hitting Shift+Enter or by clicking the "Execute" button) and then typing a^2 in the second one and executing.

Check the source code of that page and search the word "linked" there (e.g. using cmd-F or ctrl-F).

click to hide/show revision 3
No.3 Revision

SageCell linked cells


The "About" section of the SageCell website home page has these paragraphs:

SageMathCell project is an easy-to-use web interface to a free open-source mathematics software system SageMath.

It allows embedding Sage computations into any webpage: check out short instructions or comprehensive description of capabilities.

with the following links:

That "comprehensive description of capabilities" page has a section dedicated to your question:

which says

When multiple input locations are given, this sets whether the code from these cells is to be executed from the same kernel, so that code executed in one will affect the execution of code from another cell:

{ ..
linked: boolean
.. }

This option is false by default.

So try using linked: true.


Many pages online use SageCell with linked cells.

PreTeXt is an authoring system allowing, in addition to (or instead of) a pdf version of documents, to produce an html version with executable code cells, using SageCell.

The PreTeXt home page links to a few examples, including:

which has a page about using Sage via SageCell:

See in particular

which conveniently has several cells.

Try typing a = 2 in the first one, executing (by hitting Shift+Enter or by clicking the "Execute" button) and then typing a^2 in the second one and executing.

Check the source code of that page and search the word "linked" there (e.g. using cmd-F or ctrl-F).

For many more example, see the PreTeXt gallery or the PreTeXt catalog.