So far Sage has no built-in way to thicken a surface.
For a simple surface as in the question, one could plot
or one could plot
and combine the three plots to produce the desired result.
Both approaches are illustrated below.
Define useful constants:
sage: one =
sage: eps = one/64
sage: b = one + 2*eps
sage: h = one/2
sage: rh = RDF(3).sqrt()/2
sage: tau = 2*RDF.pi()
Plot the surface and the boundary curve:
sage: ro = one
sage: fo = lambda x, y, z: x*x + y*y + z*z - ro*ro
sage: xo = lambda t: rh*cos(tau*t)
sage: yo = lambda t: rh*sin(tau*t)
sage: zo = lambda t: h
sage: sopt = {'color': 'gold', 'plot_points': 77}
sopt: copt = {'color': 'crimson'}
sage: so = implicit_plot3d(fo, (-b, b), (-b, b), (-b, h), **sopt)
sage: co = parametric_plot([xo, yo, zo], (0, 1), **copt)
sage: go = so + co
Launched html viewer for Graphics3d Object
Plot inner, outer and edge surfaces:
sage: rm = ro - eps
sage: rp = ro + eps
sage: fm = lambda x, y, z: x*x + y*y + z*z - rm*rm
sage: fp = lambda x, y, z: x*x + y*y + z*z - rp*rp
sage: rhm = (rm*rm - h*h).sqrt()
sage: rhp = (rp*rp - h*h).sqrt()
sage: xe = lambda u, v: ((1 - u)*rhm + u * rhp)*cos(tau*v)
sage: ye = lambda u, v: ((1 - u)*rhm + u * rhp)*sin(tau*v)
sage: ze = lambda u, v: h
sage: sm = implicit_plot3d(fm, (-b, b), (-b, b), (-b, h), **sopt)
sage: sp = implicit_plot3d(fp, (-b, b), (-b, b), (-b, h), **sopt)
sage: se = parametric_plot3d([xe, ye, ze], (0, 1), (0, 1), **sopt)
sage: st = sp + sm + se
Launched html viewer for Graphics3d Object