Consider the situation:
sage: M4 = EisensteinForms( Gamma0(1), weight=4 )
sage: M6 = EisensteinForms( Gamma0(1), weight=6 )
sage: M4
Eisenstein subspace of dimension 1 of Modular Forms space of dimension 1 for Modular Group SL(2,Z) of weight 4 over Rational Field
sage: M6
Eisenstein subspace of dimension 1 of Modular Forms space of dimension 1 for Modular Group SL(2,Z) of weight 6 over Rational Field
sage: e4 = M4.0
sage: e6 = M6.0
sage: e4
1 + 240*q + 2160*q^2 + 6720*q^3 + 17520*q^4 + 30240*q^5 + O(q^6)
sage: e6
1 - 504*q - 16632*q^2 - 122976*q^3 - 532728*q^4 - 1575504*q^5 + O(q^6)
So the coefficients of the expansions are available. To have more of them, set a corresponding precision:
sage: e4.q_expansion(prec=10)
1 + 240*q + 2160*q^2 + 6720*q^3 + 17520*q^4 + 30240*q^5 + 60480*q^6 + 82560*q^7 + 140400*q^8 + 181680*q^9 + O(q^10)
sage: e6.q_expansion(prec=10)
1 - 504*q - 16632*q^2 - 122976*q^3 - 532728*q^4 - 1575504*q^5 - 4058208*q^6 - 8471232*q^7 - 17047800*q^8 - 29883672*q^9 + O(q^10)
The coefficients can also be calculated via the formula in
So we can also ask for them separately, for instance to get 29883672, the last coefficient above, we may ask for
sage: sum( [d^5 for d in 9.divisors()] ) * 504
Evaluations can be done numerically up to some precision. For instance:
sage: e4.qexp(prec=100).polynomial()(exp(2*pi*i * 2*i)).n()
sage: e6.qexp(prec=100).polynomial()(exp(2*pi*i * 2*i)).n()
For more (specific issues) we need more (specific) input.