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scipy is held to 1.2.x because we still want to support Python2 for the upcoming Sage 9.1, and further versions of scipy are Python3-only.

Now, you can do, from a terminal:

sage -pip install --upgrade scipy

At your own risks ;)

scipy is held to 1.2.x because we still want to support Python2 for the upcoming Sage 9.1, and further versions of scipy are Python3-only.

Now, you can do, from a terminal:

sage -pip install --upgrade scipy

EDIT the non-lazy version is to use the Sage package manager:

  • download within sage's upstream/ directory

  • edit /build/pkgs/scipy/package-version.txt so that it contains the string 1.4.1

  • run sage --package fix-checksum to fix the checksums

  • run sage -i scipy to install the package

At your own risks ;)