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click to hide/show revision 1
initial version

One option is to use the @cached_function decorator which saves the result of already computed values:

sage: @cached_function
....: def fib(n):
....:     if n == 0 or n == 1:
....:         return 1
....:     else:
....:         return fib(n-1) + fib(n-2)
sage: fib(10)
sage: fib.cache
{((1,), ()): 1, ((0,), ()): 1, ((2,), ()): 2, ((3,), ()): 3, ((4,), ()): 5, ((5,), ()): 8, ((6,), ()): 13, ((7,), ()): 21, ((8,), ()): 34, ((9,), ()): 55, ((10,), ()): 89}

See the documentation of

sage: cached_function?

Then, you can save the fib function locally:

sage: save(fib, 'fib')
sage: ls fib*

Then, in the same or in another Sage session, you can reload that function and its previous cache is still there:

sage: gib = load('fib.sobj')
sage: gib.cache
{((1,), ()): 1, ((0,), ()): 1, ((2,), ()): 2, ((3,), ()): 3, ((4,), ()): 5, ((5,), ()): 8, ((6,), ()): 13, ((7,), ()): 21, ((8,), ()): 34, ((9,), ()): 55, ((10,), ()): 89}
sage: gib(10)

Which means that the default behavior is to include the cache in the pickle (documentation says one should write @cached_function(do_pickle=True)). Behind the scene, save is using dumps to create the file fib.sobj which contains binary code looking something like :

sage: dumps(fib)

which can also be loaded:

sage: hib = loads(dumps(fib))
sage: hib.cache
{((1,), ()): 1, ((0,), ()): 1, ((2,), ()): 2, ((3,), ()): 3, ((4,), ()): 5, ((5,), ()): 8, ((6,), ()): 13, ((7,), ()): 21, ((8,), ()): 34, ((9,), ()): 55, ((10,), ()): 89}

I think I already heard of a decorator that saves automatically to a file (or database), but I can't remember what/where I saw that. I am sure people involved in LMFDB project (which computes stuff on the fly if not already in a database) have an idea about that.

click to hide/show revision 2
No.2 Revision

One option is to use the @cached_function decorator which saves the result of already computed values:

sage: @cached_function
....: def fib(n):
....:     if n == 0 or n == 1:
....:         return 1
....:     else:
....:         return fib(n-1) + fib(n-2)
sage: fib(10)
sage: fib.cache
{((1,), ()): 1, ((0,), ()): 1, ((2,), ()): 2, ((3,), ()): 3, ((4,), ()): 5, ((5,), ()): 8, ((6,), ()): 13, ((7,), ()): 21, ((8,), ()): 34, ((9,), ()): 55, ((10,), ()): 89}

See the documentation of

sage: cached_function?

Then, you can save the fib function locally:

sage: save(fib, 'fib')
sage: ls fib*

Then, in the same or in another Sage session, you can reload that function and its previous cache is still there:

sage: gib = load('fib.sobj')
sage: gib.cache
{((1,), ()): 1, ((0,), ()): 1, ((2,), ()): 2, ((3,), ()): 3, ((4,), ()): 5, ((5,), ()): 8, ((6,), ()): 13, ((7,), ()): 21, ((8,), ()): 34, ((9,), ()): 55, ((10,), ()): 89}
sage: gib(10)

Which means that the default behavior is to include the cache in the pickle (documentation says one should write @cached_function(do_pickle=True)). which does not seem necessary). Behind the scene, save is using dumps to create the file fib.sobj which contains binary code looking something like :

sage: dumps(fib)

which can also be loaded:

sage: hib = loads(dumps(fib))
sage: hib.cache
{((1,), ()): 1, ((0,), ()): 1, ((2,), ()): 2, ((3,), ()): 3, ((4,), ()): 5, ((5,), ()): 8, ((6,), ()): 13, ((7,), ()): 21, ((8,), ()): 34, ((9,), ()): 55, ((10,), ()): 89}

I think I already heard of a decorator that saves automatically to a file (or database), but I can't remember what/where I saw that. I am sure people involved in LMFDB project (which computes stuff on the fly if not already in a database) have an idea about that.

click to hide/show revision 3
No.3 Revision

One option is to use the @cached_function decorator which saves the result of already computed values:

sage: @cached_function
....: def fib(n):
....:     print('computation performed')
....:     if n == 0 or n == 1:
....:         return 1
....:     else:
....:         return fib(n-1) + fib(n-2)
sage: fib(10)
computation performed
computation performed
computation performed
computation performed
computation performed
computation performed
sage: fib(5)   # no computation is performed
sage: fib.cache
{((1,), ()): 1, ((0,), ()): 1, ((2,), ()): 2, ((3,), ()): 3, ((4,), ()): 5, ((5,), ()): 8, ((6,), ()): 13, ((7,), ()): 21, ((8,), ()): 34, ((9,), ()): 55, ((10,), ()): 89}

See the documentation of

sage: cached_function?

Then, you can save the fib function locally:

sage: save(fib, 'fib')
sage: ls fib*

Then, in the same or in another Sage session, you can reload that function and its previous cache is still there:

sage: gib = load('fib.sobj')
sage: gib.cache
{((1,), ()): 1, ((0,), ()): 1, ((2,), ()): 2, ((3,), ()): 3, ((4,), ()): 5, ((5,), ()): 8, ((6,), ()): 13, ((7,), ()): 21, ((8,), ()): 34, ((9,), ()): 55, ((10,), ()): 89}
sage: gib(10)
sage: gib(5)

Which means that the default behavior is to include the cache in the pickle (documentation says one should write @cached_function(do_pickle=True) which does not seem necessary). Behind the scene, save is using dumps to create the file fib.sobj which contains binary code looking something like :

sage: dumps(fib)

which can also be loaded:

sage: hib = loads(dumps(fib))
sage: hib.cache
{((1,), ()): 1, ((0,), ()): 1, ((2,), ()): 2, ((3,), ()): 3, ((4,), ()): 5, ((5,), ()): 8, ((6,), ()): 13, ((7,), ()): 21, ((8,), ()): 34, ((9,), ()): 55, ((10,), ()): 89}

I think I already heard of a decorator that saves automatically to a file (or database), but I can't remember what/where I saw that. that, whether it was a ticket or just a discussion. I am sure people involved in LMFDB project (which computes stuff on the fly if not already in a database) have an idea about that.

click to hide/show revision 4
No.4 Revision

One option is to use the @cached_function decorator which saves the result of already computed values:

sage: @cached_function
....: def fib(n):
....:     print('computation performed')
....:     if n == 0 or n == 1:
....:         return 1
....:     else:
....:         return fib(n-1) + fib(n-2)
sage: fib(5)
computation performed
computation performed
computation performed
computation performed
computation performed
computation performed
sage: fib(5)   # no computation is performed
sage: fib.cache
fib.cache      # results are saved in a dictionary where keys are of the form (*args,**kwds)
{((1,), ()): 1, ((0,), ()): 1, ((2,), ()): 2, ((3,), ()): 3, ((4,), ()): 5, ((5,), ()): 8}

See the documentation of

sage: cached_function?

Then, you can save the fib function locally:

sage: save(fib, 'fib')
sage: ls fib*

Then, in the same or in another Sage session, you can reload that function and its previous cache is still there:

sage: gib = load('fib.sobj')
sage: gib.cache
{((1,), ()): 1, ((0,), ()): 1, ((2,), ()): 2, ((3,), ()): 3, ((4,), ()): 5, ((5,), ()): 8}
sage: gib(5)

Which means that the default behavior is to include the cache in the pickle (documentation says one should write @cached_function(do_pickle=True) which does not seem necessary). Behind the scene, save is using dumps to create the file fib.sobj which contains binary code looking something like :

sage: dumps(fib)

which can also be loaded:

sage: hib = loads(dumps(fib))
sage: hib.cache
{((1,), ()): 1, ((0,), ()): 1, ((2,), ()): 2, ((3,), ()): 3, ((4,), ()): 5, ((5,), ()): 8}

If the cache becomes very heavy (gigabites), then saving and loading the function will take long time. I think I already heard of a decorator that query automatically a file if result is already computed or saves automatically to a the file (or database), database) if it is a new computation, but I can't remember what/where I saw that, whether it was a ticket or just a discussion. I am sure people involved in LMFDB project (which computes stuff on the fly if not already in a database) have an idea about that.

click to hide/show revision 5
No.5 Revision

One option is to use the @cached_function decorator which saves the result of already computed values:

sage: @cached_function
....: def fib(n):
....:     print('computation performed')
....:     if n == 0 or n == 1:
....:         return 1
....:     else:
....:         return fib(n-1) + fib(n-2)
sage: fib(5)
computation performed
computation performed
computation performed
computation performed
computation performed
computation performed
sage: fib(5)   # no computation is performed
sage: fib.cache      # 

Internally, results are saved in a dictionary where keys are of the form (*args,**kwds) (args,*kwds):

sage: fib.cache
{((1,), ()): 1, ((0,), ()): 1, ((2,), ()): 2, ((3,), ()): 3, ((4,), ()): 5, ((5,), ()): 8}

See the documentation of

sage: cached_function?

Then, you can save the fib function locally:

sage: save(fib, 'fib')
sage: ls fib*

Then, in the same or in another Sage session, you can reload that function and its previous cache is still there:

sage: gib = load('fib.sobj')
sage: gib.cache
{((1,), ()): 1, ((0,), ()): 1, ((2,), ()): 2, ((3,), ()): 3, ((4,), ()): 5, ((5,), ()): 8}
sage: gib(5)

Which means that the default behavior is to include the cache in the pickle (documentation says one should write @cached_function(do_pickle=True) which does not seem necessary). Behind the scene, save is using dumps to create the file fib.sobj which contains binary code looking something like :

sage: dumps(fib)

which can also be loaded:

sage: hib = loads(dumps(fib))
sage: hib.cache
{((1,), ()): 1, ((0,), ()): 1, ((2,), ()): 2, ((3,), ()): 3, ((4,), ()): 5, ((5,), ()): 8}

If the cache becomes very heavy (gigabites), then saving and loading the function will take long time. I think I already heard of a decorator that query automatically a file if result is already computed or saves automatically to the file (or database) if it is a new computation, but I can't remember what/where I saw that, whether it was a ticket or just a discussion. I am sure people involved in LMFDB project (which computes stuff on the fly if not already in a database) have an idea about that.

click to hide/show revision 6
No.6 Revision

One option is to use the @cached_function decorator which saves the result of already computed values:

sage: @cached_function
....: def fib(n):
....:     print('computation performed')
....:     if n == 0 or n == 1:
....:         return 1
....:     else:
....:         return fib(n-1) + fib(n-2)
sage: fib(5)
computation performed
computation performed
computation performed
computation performed
computation performed
computation performed
sage: fib(5)   # no computation is performed

Internally, results are saved in a dictionary where keys are of the form (args,*kwds):(*args,**kwds):

sage: fib.cache
{((1,), ()): 1, ((0,), ()): 1, ((2,), ()): 2, ((3,), ()): 3, ((4,), ()): 5, ((5,), ()): 8}

See the documentation of

sage: cached_function?

Then, you can save the fib function locally:

sage: save(fib, 'fib')
sage: ls fib*

Then, in the same or in another Sage session, you can reload that function and its previous cache is still there:

sage: gib = load('fib.sobj')
sage: gib.cache
{((1,), ()): 1, ((0,), ()): 1, ((2,), ()): 2, ((3,), ()): 3, ((4,), ()): 5, ((5,), ()): 8}
sage: gib(5)

Which means that the default behavior is to include the cache in the pickle (documentation says one should write @cached_function(do_pickle=True) which does not seem necessary). Behind the scene, save is using dumps to create the file fib.sobj which contains binary code looking something like :

sage: dumps(fib)

which can also be loaded:

sage: hib = loads(dumps(fib))
sage: hib.cache
{((1,), ()): 1, ((0,), ()): 1, ((2,), ()): 2, ((3,), ()): 3, ((4,), ()): 5, ((5,), ()): 8}

If the cache becomes very heavy (gigabites), then saving and loading the function will take long time. I think I already heard of a decorator that query automatically a file if result is already computed or saves automatically to the file (or database) if it is a new computation, but I can't remember what/where I saw that, whether it was a ticket or just a discussion. I am sure people involved in LMFDB project (which computes stuff on the fly if not already in a database) have an idea about that.

click to hide/show revision 7
No.7 Revision

One option is to use the @cached_function decorator which saves the result of already computed values:

sage: @cached_function
....: def fib(n):
....:     print('computation performed')
....:     if n == 0 or n == 1:
....:         return 1
....:     else:
....:         return fib(n-1) + fib(n-2)
sage: fib(5)
computation performed
computation performed
computation performed
computation performed
computation performed
computation performed
sage: fib(5)   # no computation is performed

Internally, results are saved in a dictionary where keys are of the form (*args,**kwds):

sage: fib.cache
{((1,), ()): 1, ((0,), ()): 1, ((2,), ()): 2, ((3,), ()): 3, ((4,), ()): 5, ((5,), ()): 8}

See the documentation of

sage: cached_function?

Then, you can save the fib function locally:

sage: save(fib, 'fib')
sage: ls fib*

Then, in the same or in another Sage session, you can reload that function and its previous cache is still there:

sage: gib = load('fib.sobj')
sage: gib.cache
{((1,), ()): 1, ((0,), ()): 1, ((2,), ()): 2, ((3,), ()): 3, ((4,), ()): 5, ((5,), ()): 8}
sage: gib(5)

Which means that the default behavior is to include the cache in the pickle (documentation says one should write @cached_function(do_pickle=True) which does not seem necessary). Behind the scene, save is using dumps to create the file fib.sobj which contains binary code looking something like :

sage: dumps(fib)

which can also be loaded:

sage: hib = loads(dumps(fib))
sage: hib.cache
{((1,), ()): 1, ((0,), ()): 1, ((2,), ()): 2, ((3,), ()): 3, ((4,), ()): 5, ((5,), ()): 8}

If the cache becomes very heavy (gigabites), in memory, then saving and loading the function will take long time. I think I already heard of a decorator that query automatically a file if result is already computed or saves automatically to the file (or database) if it is a new computation, but I can't remember what/where I saw that, whether it was a ticket or just a discussion. I am sure people involved in LMFDB project (which computes stuff on the fly if not already in a database) have an idea about that.