The answer of FrédéricC is already wonderful, here is maybe a way to make your own way in the next similar situation. First of all, let us consider the code:
G = DirichletGroup(7, QQ)
S = CuspForms(e, 3, prec=20)
g = S.gens()[0]
print( f"g = {g}" )
R = g.qexp().parent()
print( f"R = {R}\nIts default precision is {R.default_prec()}" )
q = R.gen()
L = EtaProduct(7, {1:4, 7:-4})
print( f"L = {L}" )
The above gives
g = q - 3*q^2 + 5*q^4 - 7*q^7 - 3*q^8 + 9*q^9 - 6*q^11 + 21*q^14 - 11*q^16 - 27*q^18 + O(q^20)
R = Power Series Ring in q over Rational Field
Its default precision is 20
L = Eta product of level 7 : (eta_1)^4 (eta_7)^-4
Now i noted that the method L.qexp
needs an argument. At least for me in my version. This can be seen / asked in the ipython interpreter for sage as follows...
sage: L.qexp?
Signature: L.qexp(n)
Alias for "self.q_expansion()".
sage: e = EtaProduct(36, {6:8, 3:-8})
sage: e.qexp(10)
q + 8*q^4 + 36*q^7 + O(q^10)
sage: e.qexp(30) == e.q_expansion(30)
Init docstring: Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
File: /usr/lib/python3.8/site-packages/sage/modular/
Type: method
and the above L.qexp
goes to the doc string of the method qexp
in the class L
is an instance for:
sage: L.__class__
<class 'sage.modular.etaproducts.EtaGroupElement'>
So we really need an argument for it in my version.
sage: version()
'SageMath version 9.0, Release Date: 2020-01-01'
In my case L.qexp()
produces an error, since one argument is needed, but this is easily corrected, L.exp(20)
would be ok. Since the precision of the series for g is 20, we should use the same precision... Well:
sage: L.qexp(20)
q^-1 - 4 + 2*q + 8*q^2 - 5*q^3 - 4*q^4 - 10*q^5 + 12*q^6 - 7*q^7 + 8*q^8 + 46*q^9 - 36*q^10 - 26*q^11 - 44*q^12 + 46*q^13 - 28*q^14 + 42*q^15 + 188*q^16 - 132*q^17 - 96*q^18 + O(q^19)
sage: g.qexp()
q - 3*q^2 + 5*q^4 - 7*q^7 - 3*q^8 + 9*q^9 - 6*q^11 + 21*q^14 - 11*q^16 - 27*q^18 + O(q^20)
and the series are stopping at the "multiplicative precision" equal to 20. For L we have an expression modulo O(q19) (since it starts with 1/q), for g we have an expression modulo O(q20) . This situation may lead to losing the initial precision.
Now i tried:
g + O(q^6)
, but it fails. (Although fL + O(q^6)
works.)g * fL
, but it fails. (Although g(q) * fL
works.)To make things work, replace g
by g(q)
So finally, the following code does the job for me. Framework:
PREC = 20
G = DirichletGroup(7, QQ)
S = CuspForms(e, 3, prec=PREC)
g = S.gens()[0]
R = g.qexp().parent()
q = R.gen()
L = EtaProduct(7, {1:4, 7:-4})
fL = L.qexp(PREC)
g(q) * (fL + 4)(q) + O(q^6)
(Addition, multiplication, and truncation work.) Final result:
1 - 3*q + 2*q^2 + 7*q^3 - 29*q^4 + 21*q^5 + O(q^6)