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click to hide/show revision 1
initial version

If you look at the __init__() method of the class you are inherting from, you will see that it has a keyword argument weighted, as well as many other keyword arguments; simply type


to see this. To have a description of these arguments, type


So, I would say that the __init__() method of your class should have a keyword argument weighted (possibly with the default value None) and should pass it to super(DoubleQuiver, self).__init__() as follows

    super(DoubleQuiver, self).__init__(edges, multiedges=True, weighted=weighted)
click to hide/show revision 2
No.2 Revision

If you look at the __init__() method of the class you are inherting inheriting from, you will see notice that it has a keyword argument weighted, as well as many other keyword arguments; simply type


to see this. To have a description of these arguments, type


So, I would say that the __init__() method of your class should have a keyword argument weighted (possibly with the default value None) and should pass it to super(DoubleQuiver, self).__init__() as follows

    super(DoubleQuiver, self).__init__(edges, multiedges=True, weighted=weighted)
click to hide/show revision 3
No.3 Revision

If you look at the __init__() method of the class you are inheriting from, you will notice that it has a keyword argument weighted, as well as many other keyword arguments; simply type


to see this. To have a description of these arguments, type


So, I would say that the __init__() method of your class should have a keyword argument weighted (possibly with the default value None) and should pass it to super(DoubleQuiver, self).__init__() as followsfollows:

    super(DoubleQuiver, self).__init__(edges, multiedges=True, weighted=weighted)