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If you use arara, known as "The cool TeX-automatisation Tool", written by @PauloCereda, you can set compilation instructions into your tex-document, i.e.
% arara: pdflatex
an then only one run arara example.tex is needed.

In TeXLive arara is installed by default. You can also integrate arara into your TeX editor.

There is no arara-rule for Sage in the main set of arara-rule, but it has been written:
See the original post arara: sage - A Sage(math)-rule for arara

It is sagetex.yaml, which works for Windows-users and for Linus-users:

# SageTeX-Rule for arara.
# Dear Windows-users, please check the paths
# pathToBashExecutive    and    pathToSageStartfile
# due to your Sage-installation!
identifier: sagetex
name: SageTeX
- TeXnician (Author)
- cis (Idea)
arguments: []
- name: A SageTeX Rule for arara
  command: >
        pathToBashExecutive = "C:\\Programme\\SageMath8.9\\runtime\\bin\\bash";
        pathToSageStartfile = "C:/Programme/SageMath8.9/runtime/opt/sagemath-8.9/sage";
        pathOfCurrentWorkingFolder = currentFile().getParent();
        theWindowsCommand = getCommand(pathToBashExecutive, "-l", pathToSageStartfile, "-c", "os.chdir('" + pathOfCurrentWorkingFolder + "'); load('" + getBasename(currentFile()) + ".sagetex.sage')");
        return isWindows(theWindowsCommand, getCommand("sage", getBasename(file) + ".sagetex.sage"));

Let's test a example.tex

% arara: pdflatex
% arara: sagetex
% arara: pdflatex


If you use arara, known as "The cool TeX-automatisation Tool", written by @PauloCereda, you can set compilation instructions into your tex-document, i.e.
% arara: pdflatex
an and then only one run arara example.tex is needed.

In TeXLive arara is installed by default. You can also integrate arara into your TeX editor.

There is no arara-rule for Sage in the main set of arara-rule, but it has been written:
See the original post arara: sage - A Sage(math)-rule for arara

It is sagetex.yaml, which works for Windows-users and for Linus-users:

# SageTeX-Rule for arara.
# Dear Windows-users, please check the paths
# pathToBashExecutive    and    pathToSageStartfile
# due to your Sage-installation!
identifier: sagetex
name: SageTeX
- TeXnician (Author)
- cis (Idea)
arguments: []
- name: A SageTeX Rule for arara
  command: >
        pathToBashExecutive = "C:\\Programme\\SageMath8.9\\runtime\\bin\\bash";
        pathToSageStartfile = "C:/Programme/SageMath8.9/runtime/opt/sagemath-8.9/sage";
        pathOfCurrentWorkingFolder = currentFile().getParent();
        theWindowsCommand = getCommand(pathToBashExecutive, "-l", pathToSageStartfile, "-c", "os.chdir('" + pathOfCurrentWorkingFolder + "'); load('" + getBasename(currentFile()) + ".sagetex.sage')");
        return isWindows(theWindowsCommand, getCommand("sage", getBasename(file) + ".sagetex.sage"));

Let's test a example.tex

% arara: pdflatex
% arara: sagetex
% arara: pdflatex


If you use arara, known as "The cool TeX-automatisation Tool", written by @PauloCereda, you can set compilation instructions into your tex-document, i.e.
% arara: pdflatex
and then only one run arara example.tex is needed.

In TeXLive arara is installed by default. You can also integrate arara into your TeX editor.

There is no arara-rule for Sage in the main set of arara-rule, but it has been written:
See the original post arara: sage - A Sage(math)-rule for arara

It is sagetex.yaml, which works for Windows-users and for Linus-users:Linux-users:

# SageTeX-Rule for arara.
# Dear Windows-users, please check the paths
# pathToBashExecutive    and    pathToSageStartfile
# due to your Sage-installation!
identifier: sagetex
name: SageTeX
- TeXnician (Author)
- cis (Idea)
arguments: []
- name: A SageTeX Rule for arara
  command: >
        pathToBashExecutive = "C:\\Programme\\SageMath8.9\\runtime\\bin\\bash";
        pathToSageStartfile = "C:/Programme/SageMath8.9/runtime/opt/sagemath-8.9/sage";
        pathOfCurrentWorkingFolder = currentFile().getParent();
        theWindowsCommand = getCommand(pathToBashExecutive, "-l", pathToSageStartfile, "-c", "os.chdir('" + pathOfCurrentWorkingFolder + "'); load('" + getBasename(currentFile()) + ".sagetex.sage')");
        return isWindows(theWindowsCommand, getCommand("sage", getBasename(file) + ".sagetex.sage"));

Let's test a example.tex

% arara: pdflatex
% arara: sagetex
% arara: pdflatex


If you use arara, known as "The cool TeX-automatisation Tool", written by @PauloCereda, you can set compilation instructions into your tex-document, i.e.
% arara: pdflatex
% arara: biber
and then only one run arara example.tex is needed.

In TeXLive arara is installed by default. You can also integrate arara into your TeX editor.

There is no arara-rule for Sage in the main set of arara-rule, but it has been written:
See the original post arara: sage - A Sage(math)-rule for arara

It is sagetex.yaml, which works for Windows-users and for Linux-users:

# SageTeX-Rule for arara.
# Dear Windows-users, please check the paths
# pathToBashExecutive    and    pathToSageStartfile
# due to your Sage-installation!
identifier: sagetex
name: SageTeX
- TeXnician (Author)
- cis (Idea)
arguments: []
- name: A SageTeX Rule for arara
  command: >
        pathToBashExecutive = "C:\\Programme\\SageMath8.9\\runtime\\bin\\bash";
        pathToSageStartfile = "C:/Programme/SageMath8.9/runtime/opt/sagemath-8.9/sage";
        pathOfCurrentWorkingFolder = currentFile().getParent();
        theWindowsCommand = getCommand(pathToBashExecutive, "-l", pathToSageStartfile, "-c", "os.chdir('" + pathOfCurrentWorkingFolder + "'); load('" + getBasename(currentFile()) + ".sagetex.sage')");
        return isWindows(theWindowsCommand, getCommand("sage", getBasename(file) + ".sagetex.sage"));

Let's test a example.tex

% arara: pdflatex
% arara: sagetex
% arara: pdflatex


If you use arara, known as "The cool TeX-automatisation Tool", written by @PauloCereda, you can set compilation instructions into your tex-document, i.e.
% arara: pdflatex
% arara: biber
and then only one run arara example.tex is needed.

In TeXLive arara is installed by default. You can also integrate arara into your TeX editor.

There is no arara-rule for Sage in the main set of arara-rule, arara-rules, but it has been written:
See the original post arara: sage - A Sage(math)-rule for arara

It is sagetex.yaml, which works for Windows-users and for Linux-users:

# SageTeX-Rule for arara.
# Dear Windows-users, please check the paths
# pathToBashExecutive    and    pathToSageStartfile
# due to your Sage-installation!
identifier: sagetex
name: SageTeX
- TeXnician (Author)
- cis (Idea)
arguments: []
- name: A SageTeX Rule for arara
  command: >
        pathToBashExecutive = "C:\\Programme\\SageMath8.9\\runtime\\bin\\bash";
        pathToSageStartfile = "C:/Programme/SageMath8.9/runtime/opt/sagemath-8.9/sage";
        pathOfCurrentWorkingFolder = currentFile().getParent();
        theWindowsCommand = getCommand(pathToBashExecutive, "-l", pathToSageStartfile, "-c", "os.chdir('" + pathOfCurrentWorkingFolder + "'); load('" + getBasename(currentFile()) + ".sagetex.sage')");
        return isWindows(theWindowsCommand, getCommand("sage", getBasename(file) + ".sagetex.sage"));

Let's test a example.tex

% arara: pdflatex
% arara: sagetex
% arara: pdflatex


If you use arara, known as "The cool TeX-automatisation Tool", written by @PauloCereda, you can set compilation instructions into your tex-document, i.e.
% arara: pdflatex
% arara: biber
and then only one run arara example.tex is needed.

In TeXLive arara is installed by default. You can also integrate arara into your TeX editor.

There is no arara-rule for Sage in the main set of arara-rules, but it has been written:
See the original post arara: sage - A Sage(math)-rule for arara

It is sagetex.yaml, which works for Windows-users and for Linux-users:

# SageTeX-Rule for arara.
# Dear Windows-users, please check the paths
# pathToBashExecutive    and    pathToSageStartfile
# due to your Sage-installation!
identifier: sagetex
name: SageTeX
- TeXnician (Author)
- cis (Idea)
arguments: []
- name: A SageTeX Rule for arara
  command: >
        pathToBashExecutive = "C:\\Programme\\SageMath8.9\\runtime\\bin\\bash";
        pathToSageStartfile = "C:/Programme/SageMath8.9/runtime/opt/sagemath-8.9/sage";
        pathOfCurrentWorkingFolder = currentFile().getParent();
        theWindowsCommand = getCommand(pathToBashExecutive, "-l", pathToSageStartfile, "-c", "os.chdir('" + pathOfCurrentWorkingFolder + "'); load('" + getBasename(currentFile()) + ".sagetex.sage')");
        return isWindows(theWindowsCommand, getCommand("sage", getBasename(file) + ".sagetex.sage"));

Let's test a an example.tex

% arara: pdflatex
% arara: sagetex
% arara: pdflatex
