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Use browse_sage_doc:

sage: R.<x> = QQ[]
sage: browse_sage_doc(R.base_ring)

For more help:

sage: browse_sage_doc(browse_sage_doc)

Use browse_sage_doc:

sage: R.<x> = QQ[]
sage: browse_sage_doc(R.base_ring)

For more help:

sage: browse_sage_doc(browse_sage_doc)

Edit: sorry, I misread your question. If you want the source code, not the just the help message, there is no guaranteed way. You could try this:

sage: from sage.misc.sagedoc import my_getsource
sage: view(my_getsource(R.base_ring)


Use browse_sage_doc:

sage: R.<x> = QQ[]
sage: browse_sage_doc(R.base_ring)

For more help:

sage: browse_sage_doc(browse_sage_doc)

Edit: sorry, I misread your question. If you want the source code, not the just the help message, there is no guaranteed way. You could try this:

sage: from sage.misc.sagedoc import my_getsource
sage: view(my_getsource(R.base_ring)
