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initial version

The size of a point is in pysical units (no relation to the numbers you're trying to represent). From point2d?:

* "size" -- How big the point is (i.e., area in points^2=(1/72

A 1pt point is already really small (practically invisible), even in a not-so-large figure (4in x 4in). I don't know it smaller points can physically be rendered, at least on screens (maybe on high-resolution printers.

If necessary, use a large image size and scale the resulting figure via, say, Imagemagick.

But I probably wouldn't be able to see your points (literally...).

click to hide/show revision 2
No.2 Revision

The size of a point is in pysicalphysical units (no relation to the numbers you're trying to represent). From point2d?:

* "size" -- How big the point is (i.e., area in points^2=(1/72

A 1pt point is already really small (practically invisible), even in a not-so-large figure (4in x 4in). I don't know it smaller points can physically be rendered, at least on screens (maybe on high-resolution printers.

If necessary, use a large image size and scale the resulting figure via, say, Imagemagick.

But I probably wouldn't be able to see your points (literally...).