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This (kind of silly) limitation is documented as a Warning.

Since you can use arbitrary objects as labels, here's a way around it:

class Wrap(object):
    def __init__(self, obj):
        self.obj = obj
    def __repr__(self):
        return repr(self.obj)

n2 = LabelledOrderedTree([], label=Wrap(2))
n1 = LabelledOrderedTree([], label=Wrap(1))
root = LabelledOrderedTree([n2, n1], label=Wrap(1))

The two instances Wrap(1) and Wrap(1) are different Python objects, but they look the same, so it works.

This (kind of silly) limitation is documented as a Warning.

Since you can use arbitrary objects as labels, here's a way around it:

class Wrap(object):
    def __init__(self, obj):
        self.obj = obj
    def __repr__(self):
        return repr(self.obj)

n2 = LabelledOrderedTree([], label=Wrap(2))
n1 = LabelledOrderedTree([], label=Wrap(1))
root = LabelledOrderedTree([n2, n1], label=Wrap(1))

image description

The two instances Wrap(1) and Wrap(1) are different Python objects, but they look the same, so it works.

Alternatively, if you want new distinct labels:

sage: root.canonical_labelling().plot()