1 | initial version |
The following might be a step in the right direction.
Define a list of functions to plot:
sage: ff = [
....: lambda x: 1 + exp(-x^2/8)*sin(x^2)/x^1,
....: lambda x: 2 + exp(-x^2/8)*sin(x^3)/x^2,
....: lambda x: 3 + exp(-x^2/8)*sin(x^4)/x^3,
....: lambda x: 4 + exp(-x^2/8)*sin(x^5)/x^4,
....: ]
Initialize an empty graphics object:
sage: p = Graphics()
Set some text options:
sage: text_options = {
....: 'horizontal_alignment': 'right',
....: 'vertical_alignment': 'bottom',
....: 'fontsize': 'large'}
Plot each function and add a label at the end of the curve:
sage: for i, f in enumerate(ff):
....: p += plot(f, (-5, 5), hue=(2*i+1)/10)
....: p += text('$y = f_{}(x)$'.format(i), (5, f(5)), **text_options)
Show the result:
sage: p.show()