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Assume that your array of lists is stored in my_lists. Then, the lines

sets = map(set,my_lists)

do the trick. You get a list a tuples whose elements are unique, as wanted. For example, if

my_lists = Permutations([3,1,2]).list() + Permutations([6,5,4]).list()

then the above two lines yield

[(4, 5, 6), (1, 2, 3)]

Assume that your array of lists is stored in my_lists. Then, the lines

sets = map(set,my_lists)

do the trick. You get a list a of tuples whose elements are unique, as wanted. For example, if

my_lists = Permutations([3,1,2]).list() + Permutations([6,5,4]).list()

then the above two lines yield

[(4, 5, 6), (1, 2, 3)]

Assume that your array of lists is stored in my_lists. Then, the lines

sets = map(set,my_lists)

do the trick. You get a list of tuples whose elements are unique, as wanted. For example, if

my_lists = Permutations([3,1,2]).list() + Permutations([6,5,4]).list()

then the above two lines yield

[(4, 5, 6), (1, 2, 3)]