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The "io" package, at least, wasn't included in Sage's gap_packages until Sage 8.7, so you will have to manually install "io" or download the newest version of Sage. (I think it is not yet available in pre-built binaries for the Mac, only source code so far. But binaries should be available soon.)

I just installed "orb" by downloading it and following the directions: unpack the tarball "in the pkg subdirectory of your GAP 4 installation", which is "local/share/gap/pkg". Then run ./configure and make.

I'm hoping that the same thing will work with "io", but I haven't tried it.

The "io" package, at least, wasn't included in Sage's gap_packages until Sage 8.7, so you will have to manually install "io" or download the newest version of Sage. (I think it is not yet available in pre-built binaries for the Mac, only source code so far. But binaries should be available soon.)

I just installed "orb" by downloading it and following the directions: directions in unpack the tarball "in the pkg subdirectory of your GAP 4 installation", which is "local/share/gap/pkg". Then run ./configure and make.

I'm hoping that the same thing will work with "io", but I haven't tried it.