The internal definition of the sagesilent
environment involves the use of verbatim text, which never can be written in a macro argument. The same kind of problem arises if you try something like
Some verbatim text
As a workaround, you can move to an auxiliary tex
file all the code needed to config SageTeX. Then you can input that file in the argument of \AtBeginDocument
. For example, let the contents of examplepackage.sty
\ProvidesPackage{examplepackage}[2018/12/24 examplepackage]
The file exampleconfig.tex
contains the code to set up SageTeX:
# Set up some variables
a = 3
b = 5
# Define a function
g(x) = a*sin(x)+b*cos(x)
The main tex
file could be
% Do something with a and b
The value of $a$ is $\sage{a}$, while that of $b$
is $\sage{b}$. Their sum is $\sage{a+b}$.
% Do something with the function
gp(x) = diff(g(x),x)
g_int(x) = integrate(g(x), x)
Let $g(x)=\sage{g(x)}$. It is easily seen that
\int g(x)\,dx=\sage{g_int(x)}.
Observe also that $g'(2)\approx\sage{gp(2).n()}$.
Hope that helps.