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click to hide/show revision 1
initial version

The problem can be seen as follows:

sage: list(P(1))[0] == 1
sage: type(list(P(1))[0])
<type 'sage.rings.polynomial.pbori.BooleanMonomial'>

When you convert a BooleanPolynomial to a list (which you do implicitly by iterating with in), the elements are of type BooleanMonomial, which apparently do not have rich comparison with integers implemented (which is probably not intentional but an oversight; I will report it).

A workaround is: when you want to compare with a constant (such as 1 or 0), first convert it into the right ring (or other parent object):

sage: list(P(1))[0] == P(1)

So the workaround is to compare to P(1) instead of 1.

click to hide/show revision 2
No.2 Revision

The problem can be seen as follows:

sage: list(P(1))[0] == 1
sage: type(list(P(1))[0])
<type 'sage.rings.polynomial.pbori.BooleanMonomial'>

When you convert a BooleanPolynomial to a list (which you do implicitly by iterating with in), the elements are of type BooleanMonomial, which apparently do not have rich comparison with integers 0 and 1 implemented (which is probably not intentional but an oversight; I will report it).

A workaround is: when you want to compare with a constant (such as 1 or 0), first convert it into the right ring (or other parent object):

sage: list(P(1))[0] == P(1)

So the workaround is to compare to P(1) instead of 1.

click to hide/show revision 3
No.3 Revision

The problem can be seen as follows:

sage: list(P(1))
sage: list(P(1))[0]
sage: list(P(1))[0] == 1
sage: type(list(P(1))[0])
<type 'sage.rings.polynomial.pbori.BooleanMonomial'>

When you convert a BooleanPolynomial to a list (which you do implicitly by iterating with in), the elements are of type BooleanMonomial, which apparently do not have rich comparison with integers 0 and 1 implemented (which is probably not intentional but an oversight; I will report it).

A workaround is: when you want to compare with a constant (such as 1 or 0), first convert it into the right ring (or other parent object):

sage: list(P(1))[0] == P(1)

So the workaround is to compare to P(1) instead of 1.

click to hide/show revision 4
No.4 Revision

The problem can be seen as follows:

sage: list(P(1))
sage: list(P(1))[0]
sage: list(P(1))[0] == 1
sage: type(list(P(1))[0])
<type 'sage.rings.polynomial.pbori.BooleanMonomial'>

When you convert a BooleanPolynomial to a list (which you do implicitly by iterating with in), the elements are of type BooleanMonomial, which apparently do not have rich comparison with integers 0 and 1 implemented (which is probably not intentional but an oversight; I will report it).

A workaround is: when you want to compare with a constant (such as 1 or 0), first convert it into the right ring (or other parent object):

sage: list(P(1))[0] == P(1)

So the workaround is to compare to P(1) instead of 1.

click to hide/show revision 5
No.5 Revision

The problem can be seen as follows:

sage: list(P(1))
sage: list(P(1))[0]
sage: list(P(1))[0] == 1
sage: type(list(P(1))[0])
<type 'sage.rings.polynomial.pbori.BooleanMonomial'>

When you convert a BooleanPolynomial to a list (which you do implicitly by iterating with in), the elements are of type BooleanMonomial, which apparently do not have comparison with integers 0 and the integer 1 implemented (which is probably not intentional but an oversight; I will report it).

A workaround is: when you want to compare with a constant (such such as 1 or 0), 1, first convert it into the right ring (or other parent object):

sage: list(P(1))[0] == P(1)

So the workaround is to compare to P(1) instead of 1.

click to hide/show revision 6
No.6 Revision

The problem can be seen as follows:

sage: list(P(1))
sage: list(P(1))[0]
sage: list(P(1))[0] == 1
sage: type(list(P(1))[0])
<type 'sage.rings.polynomial.pbori.BooleanMonomial'>

When you convert a BooleanPolynomial to a list (which you do implicitly by iterating with in), the elements are of type BooleanMonomial, which apparently do not have comparison with the integer 1 implemented (which is probably not intentional but an oversight; I will report it).

A workaround is: when you want to compare with a constant such as 1, first convert it into the right ring (or other parent object):

sage: list(P(1))[0] == P(1)

So the workaround is to compare to P(1) instead of 1.

Edit: I submitted this as trac ticket #27019.