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click to hide/show revision 1
initial version

You can use a rejection method: try a new random prime until you get a safe one:

sage: def rdp(nbits=512):
....:     while True:
....:         p = random_prime(2^nbits-1, false, 2^(nbits-1))
....:         if ZZ((p+1)/2).is_prime():
....:             return p
sage: rdp()

For other number of bits:

sage: rdp(200)
click to hide/show revision 2
No.2 Revision

You can use a rejection method: try a new random prime until you get a safe one:

sage: def rdp(nbits=512):
....:     while True:
....:         p = random_prime(2^nbits-1, false, 2^(nbits-1))
....:         if ZZ((p+1)/2).is_prime():
....:             return p
sage: rdp()

For other number of bits:

sage: rdp(200)