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There are two Sage tickets on the topic, one about Puiseux series and a later one about Puiseux polynomials.

There have also been numerous discussions on sage-devel and sage-support.

There is a package where this functionality is implemented.

There are two Sage tickets on the topic, one about Puiseux series and a later one about Puiseux polynomials.

There have also been numerous discussions on sage-devel and sage-support.

There is a package where this functionality is implemented.

Installing it can be done simply by running in a terminal:

$ sage --pip install git+

There are two Sage tickets on the topic, one about Puiseux series and a later one about Puiseux polynomials.

There have also been numerous discussions on sage-devel and sage-support.

There is a package where this functionality is implemented.

Installing it can be done simply by running in a terminal:

$ sage --pip install git+

See the files, and puiseux_series_ring_element.pyx at