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Revision history [back]

click to hide/show revision 1
initial version

In the terminal, cd to the directory of your Sage installation, then run the following commands (don't type the $ which represents the bash prompt).

$ git pull origin develop
$ make distclean
$ make
click to hide/show revision 2
No.2 Revision

In the terminal, cd to the directory of your Sage installation, then run the following commands (don't type the initial $ which on each line, which represents the bash prompt).

  • update your sources to the latest stable version

    $ git pull origin develop
  • optionally, set your computer to use many cores while building Sage

    $ export MAKE='make -j4'

    (replacing 4 by the number of cores on your machine)

  • build SageMath

    $ make

If the compilation fails, you might have to start it again from scratch:

$ make distclean
$ make