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As in your previous quiestion ,you an use the ta-completion and discover the gens method:

sage: G = graphs.PetersenGraph()
sage: A = G.automorphism_group()
sage: A.gens()

and even the gens_small one, which provides a small set of generators:

sage: A.gens_small()
[(0,5,7,2,1)(3,6,4,8,9), (0,9,8,2)(1,4,6,3)(5,7)]

As in your previous quiestion ,you an question, you can use the ta-completion tab-completion and discover the gens method:

sage: G = graphs.PetersenGraph()
sage: A = G.automorphism_group()
sage: A.gens()

and even the gens_small one, which provides a small set of generators:

sage: A.gens_small()
[(0,5,7,2,1)(3,6,4,8,9), (0,9,8,2)(1,4,6,3)(5,7)]