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Thanks for reporting, this is now trac ticket 24925. As you can see on the explanations on the ticket, the implementation of Ford Fulkerson algorithm does not handle unconnected vertices correctly.

The possible workarounds are:

  • use the 'LP' algorithm: sage: G.flow(0,1, algorithm='LP') 0.0

    • install python_igraph so that Sage will use that one by default.

    from a shell:

    sage -i python_igraph

    then within Sage:

    sage: G.flow(0,1)

Thanks for reporting, this is now trac ticket 24925. As you can see on the explanations on the ticket, the implementation of Ford Fulkerson algorithm does not handle unconnected vertices correctly.

The possible workarounds are:

  • use the 'LP' algorithm: algorithm:

    sage: G.flow(0,1, algorithm='LP')

    • install python_igraph so that Sage will use that one by default.

    from a shell:

    sage -i python_igraph

    then within Sage:

    sage: G.flow(0,1)

Thanks for reporting, this is now trac ticket 24925. As you can see on the explanations on the ticket, the implementation of Ford Fulkerson algorithm does not handle unconnected vertices correctly.

The possible workarounds are:

  • use the 'LP' algorithm:

    sage: G.flow(0,1, algorithm='LP')
    • install python_igraph so that Sage will use that one by default.

    from a shell:

    sage -i python_igraph

    then within Sage:

    sage: G.flow(0,1)

Thanks for reporting, this is now trac ticket 24925. As you can see on the explanations on the ticket, the implementation of Ford Fulkerson algorithm does not handle unconnected vertices correctly.

The possible workarounds are:

  • use the 'LP' algorithm:

    sage: G.flow(0,1, algorithm='LP')
  • install python_igraph so that Sage will use that one it by default.default:

    from a shell:

    sage -i python_igraph

    then within Sage:

    sage: G.flow(0,1)