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answered 7 years ago

dan_fulea gravatar image

Note that after the second when eq2 is built, there is no reason to still assume a dependency of the variables x, y. The value of eq2 is factorized is simply not zero:

p,x,v,y = var('p x v y')
p = (-72*x-264+36*y)/(9*x^2+30*x-119)
v = (-162*x^4+540*x^3-648*x^2*y+13176*x^2-4752*x*y+62340*x-16488*y+153994) \
    / (81*x^4+540*x^3-1242*x^2-7140*x+14161)
eq1 = expand(v^2-(p^4-2*p^3+5*p^2+8*p+4))
eq  = eq1 \
      . subs( { y : sqrt(-x^3+(121/3)*x+(1690/27))     } ) \
      . subs( {     sqrt(-x^3+(121/3)*x+(1690/27)) : y } )
eq2 = eq.simplify_full()
print eq2.factor()


3456*(27*x^3*y - 1089*x*y + 27*(-x^3 + 121/3*x + 1690/27)^(3/2) - 1690*y)*(9*x^2 + 174*x + 409)/((3*x + 17)^4*(3*x - 7)^4)

This is not zero. Substituting something like . subs( { sqrt(-x^3+(121/3)*x+(1690/27)) : y } ) is a very fragile and unpredictable operation. Instead, one can work algebraically, and simply get the answer to the question that can be mathematically extracted from the posted wish:

Assume that x,y satisfy the algebraic dependency: y2=x3+1213x+169027 . Show than that the variables p,v given in the posted code satisfy v2=p42p3+5p2+8p+4 .

For this, we can work as follows:

R.<x,y> = PolynomialRing( QQ )
J = R.ideal( [ -x^3 + 121/3*x + 1690/27 - y^2 ] )
Q = R.quotient(J)

p = (-72*x - 264 + 36*y) / (9*x^2 + 30*x - 119)
v = (-162*x^4 + 540*x^3 - 648*x^2*y + 13176*x^2 - 4752*x*y + 62340*x - 16488*y + 153994) \
    / (81*x^4 + 540*x^3 - 1242*x^2 - 7140*x + 14161)

eq = (v^2 - (p^4 - 2*p^3 + 5*p^2 + 8*p + 4) ).numerator()

print "The parent of eq is:\n%s" % eq.parent()
print "Is R the parent? %s" % bool( R ==eq.parent() )
print "The image of eq in the quotient ring Q is: %s" % Q(eq)

This gives:

The parent of eq is:
Multivariate Polynomial Ring in x, y over Rational Field
Is R the parent? True
The image of eq in the quotient ring Q is: 0

The above is the solution inside algebraic geometry, arguably the best, the purist world. (Sage also tolerates tacitly expressions in the quotient field of R, as v,p are constructed.)

Alternative solution, using only one variable and using "the" radical:

var( 'x' )

y = sqrt( -x^3 + 121/3*x + 1690/27 )

p = (-72*x - 264 + 36*y) / (9*x^2 + 30*x - 119)
v = (-162*x^4 + 540*x^3 - 648*x^2*y + 13176*x^2 - 4752*x*y + 62340*x - 16488*y + 153994) \
    / (81*x^4 + 540*x^3 - 1242*x^2 - 7140*x + 14161)

(v^2 - (p^4 - 2*p^3 + 5*p^2 + 8*p + 4) ).factor()

This gives me:

sage: version()
'SageMath version 8.1, Release Date: 2017-12-07'

(Some older sage version may fail to factor expressions that evaluate to zero.)