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Free CoCalc projects time out after 10 or 15 minutes of user inactivity.

Buying a subscription lets users increase this timeout.

See the pricing page:

Free The free plan has CoCalc projects time out after 10 or 15 30 minutes of user inactivity.inactivity. Interacting with the project within that time keeps it running.

Buying Besides, they run on machines that can be restarted once per day (which could explain interruption before the 30 min timeout). When the machine on which a subscription lets users increase this timeout.project is hosted restarts, the project gets restarted on a different machine, in order to shorten the wait time rather than waiting for that particular machine to reboot. With bad luck, the new machine could have its daily restart a little bit later.

See the The pricing page: page lists plans to get "member hosting" and longer timeout.

The Under a free plan has CoCalc projects time plan, a CoCalc project times out after 30 minutes of user inactivity. Interacting with the project within that time keeps it running.

Besides, they projects run on machines that can be restarted once per day (which could can explain occasional interruption before the 30 min timeout). When the machine on which a project is hosted restarts, this happens, the project gets restarted on moved to a different machine, machine in order to shorten the resume activity faster (don't wait time rather than waiting for that particular the machine to reboot. it was on to restart). With bad luck, the new machine could have its daily restart a little bit later.later and cause another shorter timeout; not sure if that happens a lot.

The pricing page lists plans to get "member hosting" and longer timeout.

There is also a Docker container for CoCalc which lets you run an instance of CoCalc on your computer. I guess projects running there do not time out. You would need to check if the features you care about are present on that version of CoCalc (for instance it has less Jupyter kernels, but you could also modify the docker script to install additional ones). It certainly has CoCalc Sage worksheets (.sagews).