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In Python, you can read a string from the user prompt with the function raw_input:

sage: a = raw_input()

sage: a

sage: type(a)
<type 'str'>

Then you can transform that string into a symbolic expression:

sage: b = SR(a)
sage: b
2*x + 3

sage: type(b)
<type 'sage.symbolic.expression.Expression'>

sage: sin(b)
sin(2*x + 3)

If you want to make something fancy, with input boxes and sliders, you can have a look at Sage interact.

In Python, you can read a string from the user prompt with the function raw_input:

sage: a = raw_input()

sage: a

sage: type(a)
<type 'str'>

Then you can transform that string into a symbolic expression:

sage: b = SR(a)
sage: b
2*x + 3

sage: type(b)
<type 'sage.symbolic.expression.Expression'>

sage: sin(b)
sin(2*x + 3)

You can put it within a function:

sage: def user_square():
....:     print 'Please enter a function to be squared: ',
....:     a = raw_input()
....:     return SR(a)^2

sage: user_square()
Please enter a function to be squared:  cos(d)+sin(t)
(cos(d) + sin(t))^2

If you want to make something fancy, with input boxes and sliders, you can have a look at Sage interact.