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The sagetex.pdf TeXdoc file for SageTeX recommends (§ 4.7.1) to set up a set of file on (now cocalc). That doesn't seem very reasonable unless your correspondent is able to use Sage...

However, §4.7.2 of the same document points to the makestatic.pyscript, which _should_ get you a \LaTeX file producing the same output as your original file. Parphrased from this doc :

There is another option, and that is to use the script included with SageTEX. This script has been unmaintained for some time and likely won’t work. If you want or need to use it and run into trouble, email the sage-support group and let us know.

Use of the script is quite simple. Copy it and to the directory with your document, and run

`python inputfile [outputfile]`

where inputfile is your document. (You can also set the executable bit of and use ./ This script needs the pyparsing module to be installed. You may optionally specify outputfile ; if you do so, the results will be written to that file. If the file exists, it won’t be overwritten unless you also specify the -o switch.

You will need to run this after you’ve compiled your document and run Sage on the .sage file. The script reads in the .sout file and replaces all the calls to \sage and \sageplot with their plain \LaTeX equivalent, and turns the sageblockand 'sageverbatim' environments into verbatim environments. Any sagesilentenvironment is turned into a comment environment. Any sagecommandline environment is turned into a lstlisting environment, typesetting the relevant part of the .scmd file. The resulting document should compile to something identical, or very nearly so, to the original file.

One large limitation of this script is that it can’t change anything while SageTeX is paused, since Sage doesn’t compute anything for such parts of your document. It also doesn’t check to see if pause and unpause commands are inside comments or verbatim environments. If you’re going to use, just remove all pause/unpause statements.

The parsing that does is pretty good, but not perfect. Right now it doesn’t support having a comma-separated list of packages, so you can’t have \usepackage{sagetex,foo}. You need to have just \usepackage{sagetex}. (Along with package options; those are handled correctly.) If you find other parsing errors, please let me know.

Caveat : I have never used this script myself (yet). But it sounds like a possible solution (possibly modulo some script fixes...).

Could you let us know :

  • If you tried this solution,

  • if it worked,

  • if it needed fixes, and if so, which ones ?

possibly by a post to sage-support or sage-devel ?


EDIT : I checked, and it turns out that this script currently does not work. I keep the rest of my answer here as a hint to people interested in fixing it.

The sagetex.pdf TeXdoc file for SageTeX recommends (§ 4.7.1) to set up a set of file on (now cocalc). That doesn't seem very reasonable unless your correspondent is able to use Sage...

However, §4.7.2 of the same document points to the makestatic.pyscript, which _should_ get you a \LaTeX file producing the same output as your original file. Parphrased from this doc :

There is another option, and that is to use the script included with SageTEX. This script has been unmaintained for some time and likely won’t work. If you want or need to use it and run into trouble, email the sage-support group and let us know.

Use of the script is quite simple. Copy it and to the directory with your document, and run

`python inputfile [outputfile]`

where inputfile is your document. (You can also set the executable bit of and use ./ This script needs the pyparsing module to be installed. You may optionally specify outputfile ; if you do so, the results will be written to that file. If the file exists, it won’t be overwritten unless you also specify the -o switch.

You will need to run this after you’ve compiled your document and run Sage on the .sage file. The script reads in the .sout file and replaces all the calls to \sage and \sageplot with their plain \LaTeX equivalent, and turns the sageblockand 'sageverbatim' environments into verbatim environments. Any sagesilentenvironment is turned into a comment environment. Any sagecommandline environment is turned into a lstlisting environment, typesetting the relevant part of the .scmd file. The resulting document should compile to something identical, or very nearly so, to the original file.

One large limitation of this script is that it can’t change anything while SageTeX is paused, since Sage doesn’t compute anything for such parts of your document. It also doesn’t check to see if pause and unpause commands are inside comments or verbatim environments. If you’re going to use, just remove all pause/unpause statements.

The parsing that does is pretty good, but not perfect. Right now it doesn’t support having a comma-separated list of packages, so you can’t have \usepackage{sagetex,foo}. You need to have just \usepackage{sagetex}. (Along with package options; those are handled correctly.) If you find other parsing errors, please let me know.

Caveat : I have never used this script myself (yet). But it sounds like a possible solution (possibly modulo some script fixes...).

Could you let us know :

  • If you tried this solution,

  • if it worked,

  • if it needed fixes, and if so, which ones ?

possibly by a post to sage-support or sage-devel ?