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If possible, avoid using symbolic variables (with var).

Instead, define a polynomial ring, and work there.

To get the coefficients in a multivariate polynomial ring, use list.

This will give you a list of pairs (c, m) where c is a coefficient and m is a monomial.

Here is an example, to give you an idea.

sage: R.<xi, eta> = PolynomialRing(QQ)
sage: P = 3*eta  - 1
sage: Q = 5 * eta * xi - 7 * eta^2 + 2 * xi^3 - 1
sage: list(P)
[(3, eta), (-1, 1)]
sage: list(Q)
[(2, xi^3), (5, xi*eta), (-7, eta^2), (-1, 1)]