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Is sagecommandline what you are looking for?

I found it by searching the sagetex github repo for "highlighting":


Try this (from the documentation).

  sage: 1+1
  sage: factor(x^2 + 2*x + 1)

Is sagecommandline what you are looking for?

I found it by searching the sagetex github repo for "highlighting":


Try this (from the documentation).

  sage: 1+1
  sage: factor(x^2 + 2*x + 1)
  (x + 1)^2

For function definitions or loops, use the continuation prompt ....: as follows:

  sage: def square(x):
  ....:     return x * x
  sage: square(12)
  sage: first_few_squares = []
  sage: for n in range(4):
  ....:     first_few_squares.append(square(n))
  sage: first_few_squares
  [0, 1, 4, 9]

To get rid of the output, change the value of sagecommandlinetextoutput:


The documentation of SageTeX and its example file have a lot of information.

One comment in the example file is:

The Sage input and output is typeset using the listings package with the styles SageInput and SageOutput, respectively. If you don't like the defaults you can change them.

and there is a recommendation on how to change the defaults if you want to.

Another wonderful feature (which justifies including the sage: prompt) is

You can include output, but it will be ignored. This is useful for doctesting, as all the sagecommandline environment things get put into the _doctest.sage file.

Is sagecommandline what you are looking for?

I found it by searching the sagetex github repo for "highlighting":


Try this (from the documentation).

  sage: 1+1
  sage: factor(x^2 + 2*x + 1)
  (x + 1)^2

For function definitions or loops, use the continuation prompt ....: as follows:

  sage: def square(x):
  ....:     return x * x
  sage: square(12)
  sage: first_few_squares = []
  sage: for n in range(4):
  ....:     first_few_squares.append(square(n))
  sage: first_few_squares
  [0, 1, 4, 9]

To get rid of the output, change the value of sagecommandlinetextoutput:


The documentation of SageTeX and its example file have a lot of information.

One comment in the example file is:

The Sage input and output is typeset using the listings package with the styles SageInput and SageOutput, respectively. If you don't like the defaults you can change them.

and there is a recommendation on how to change the defaults if you want to.

Another wonderful feature (which justifies including the sage: prompt) is

You can include output, but it will be ignored. This is useful for doctesting, as all the sagecommandline environment things get put into the _doctest.sage file.

The SageTeX documentation and example file are worth reading and studying!

If you have Sage installed and if /path/to/sagedir is the directory where it is installed, open a terminal and run the following:

cd $SAGE_ROOT/local/share/texmf/tex/latex/sagetex
export TEXINPUTS="$SAGE_ROOT/local/share/texmf//:"
pdflatex example.tex
sage example.sagetex.sage
pdflatex example.tex
open example.pdf