![]() | 1 | initial version |
Let us start with the following code:
def findAllPaths( G, startVertex, length ):
vertices = G.vertices()
edges = G.edges( labels=False )
sim_edges = [ (k,j) for (j,k) in edges if j != k ]
edges += sim_edges
edges . sort()
paths = [ [ startVertex, ] ]
L = 0
while L < length:
paths = [ pat + [ vertex, ]
for pat in paths
for vertex in vertices
if ( pat[-1], vertex ) in edges ]
L += 1
return paths
G = graphs.OctahedralGraph()
pathsG7 = findAllPaths( G, 0, 7 )
for path in pathsG7:
print ''.join( [ str(v) for v in path ] )
(There was no check for length in ZZ and length >=0
with a corresponding traceback information.)
The result list ends with
One more check:
sage: len( pathsG7 )
sage: 4^7
The code uses a simple recursion and computes relatively quick the 47 paths starting from node 0 inside the octahedral graph. The recursion scheme is not optimal, since the while
block is simply structured w.r.t. the constructive path length, which covers the values 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7, parallel to the "split" 7=1+1+1+1+1+1+1.
A better recursion would have been to "split in two almost equal parts", writing 7=4+3, then make dictionaries for all paths of length 4 and 3, with keys (starting + ending points). The while block would join them. This is going almost to the half of the length. Now write 4=2+2 and 3=2+1, and so on. (It is a kind of quicksort-splitting of the number.) Then further split 2=1+1. Starting with 27 instead of 7 (and having a rather sparse adjacency), we would then write:
The coding effort can now be chosen depending on the graph and the length... I tried something like:
def quickFindAllPaths( G, startVertex, length ):
vertices = G.vertices()
edges = G.edges( labels=False )
sim_edges = [ (k,j) for (j,k) in edges if j != k ]
edges += sim_edges
twopowerlogs = [ k
for k in [ 0 .. ceil( log(length) / log(2) ) ]
if 2**k <= length ] # sorry, i never trust numeric approximations
dic = {} # dic of lists, k -> { v -> paths from v of length k }
dic[0] = dict( [ ( v, [ [x,w] for (x,w) in edges if v == x ] )
for v in vertices ] ) # paths of len = 2^0
for k in twopowerlogs:
if k == 0: continue
dic[k] = {}
print "k=", k
pprint.pprint( dic[k-1] )
for v in vertices:
dic[k] [ v ] = [ vw + wx[1:]
for w in vertices
for vw in dic[k-1] [ v ]
for wx in dic[k-1] [ w ]
if vw[-1] == w ] # paths of len 2^(k-1)+ 2^(k-1) = 2^k
# and finally we join...
digits = length.digits( base=2 )
relevant_k_list = [ k
for k in range( len( digits ) )
if digits[ k ] ]
relevant_k_list . reverse()
j = 0
k0 = relevant_k_list[ 0 ]
paths = dic[ k0 ] [ startVertex ]
while j < len( relevant_k_list ) - 1:
j += 1
k = relevant_k_list[ j ]
paths = [ pathtow + pathfromw[1:]
for w in vertices
for pathtow in paths
for pathfromw in dic[k] [ w ]
if pathtow[-1] == w ]
return paths
G = graphs.OctahedralGraph()
quickpathsG7 = quickFindAllPaths( G, 0, 7 )
quickpathsG7 . sort()
for path in quickpathsG7:
print ''.join( [ str(v) for v in path ] )
Sorry for not documenting the function properly, best, write a better version. (The list comprehensions make the computation suboptimal.)