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click to hide/show revision 1
initial version

what about using coefficient():

sage: expr = sol3[0].rhs()
sage: expr.coefficient(D*H)

let me mention that wild cards could also be useful in this type of task:

sage: var('DH'); w0 = SR.wild();
sage: expr.subs({D*H*w0 : DH*w0}).coefficient(DH)
click to hide/show revision 2
No.2 Revision

what about using coefficient():

sage: expr = sol3[0].rhs()
sage: expr.coefficient(D*H)

let me mention that wild cards could also be useful in this type of task:

sage: var('DH'); w0 = SR.wild();
sage: expr.subs({D*H*w0 : DH*w0}).coefficient(DH)
click to hide/show revision 3
No.3 Revision

what about using coefficient():

sage: expr = sol3[0].rhs()
sage: expr.coefficient(D*H)

let me mention that wild cards could also be useful in this type of task:

sage: var('DH'); w0 = SR.wild();
sage: expr.subs({D*H*w0 : DH*w0}).coefficient(DH)

Edit: there is the following trick of adding/removing the term of interest:

sage: DHterm = expr.coefficient(D*H)*D*H
sage: ((expr-DHterm).factor() + DHterm).collect(D)
-1/4*D*(H - 2*Nb*Pmean/((alpha + 1)*c))

... but it would be nice to know if there is a more "direct" (=one command) method!

click to hide/show revision 4
No.4 Revision

what about using coefficient():

sage: expr = sol3[0].rhs()
sage: expr.coefficient(D*H)

let me mention that wild cards could also be useful in this type of task:

sage: var('DH'); w0 = SR.wild();
sage: expr.subs({D*H*w0 : DH*w0}).coefficient(DH)

Edit: there is the following trick of adding/removing the term of interest:interest which works here:

sage: DHterm = expr.coefficient(D*H)*D*H
sage: ((expr-DHterm).factor() + DHterm).collect(D)
-1/4*D*(H - 2*Nb*Pmean/((alpha + 1)*c))

... but it would be nice to know if there is a more "direct" (=one command) method!