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answered 7 years ago

dan_fulea gravatar image

The following is a possibility to makes the result predictible:

def f(x):
    return \
        ( 1/152444172305856930250752000000*x^28
          + 1/10888869450418352160768000000*x^27
          + 1/15511210043330985984000000*x^25
          + 1/310224200866619719680000*x^24
          + 1/25852016738884976640000*x^23
          + 1/51090942171709440000*x^21
          + 1/1216451004088320000*x^20
          + 1/121645100408832000*x^19
          + 1/355687428096000*x^17
          + 1/10461394944000*x^16
          + 1/1307674368000*x^15
          + 1/6227020800*x^13
          + 1/239500800*x^12
          + 1/39916800*x^11
          + 1/362880*x^9
          + 1/20160*x^8
          + 1/5040*x^7
          + 1/120*x^5
          + 1/12*x^4
          + 1/6*x^3
          + x
          - cos(x) + 2 -exp(x) )

R = RealField( 200 )
C = ComplexField( 200 )

f( C(10) )

f( R(10) )
f( R(10) )
f( R(10) )

Now the last four calls of f( C(10) ) and f( R(10) ) lead to...


We can also compare with...

sage: f(x) = exp(x) + cos(x) - 2
sage: p = taylor( f(x), x, 0, 28 )
sage: g(x) = sum( [ c*x^pow for c,pow in p.coefficients() ] ) - f(x) 
sage: g(10)
-cos(10) - e^10 + 185630709328907872984/8427947351530707
sage: g(10.)
sage: g( RealField(100)(10) )
sage: g( RealField(200)(10) )
sage: g( RealField(400)(10) )
sage: gp( g(10) )
sage: g(10).n()
sage: g(10).n( digits=100 )
click to hide/show revision 2
No.2 Revision

The following is a possibility to makes make the result predictible:

def f(x):
    return \
        ( 1/152444172305856930250752000000*x^28
          + 1/10888869450418352160768000000*x^27
          + 1/15511210043330985984000000*x^25
          + 1/310224200866619719680000*x^24
          + 1/25852016738884976640000*x^23
          + 1/51090942171709440000*x^21
          + 1/1216451004088320000*x^20
          + 1/121645100408832000*x^19
          + 1/355687428096000*x^17
          + 1/10461394944000*x^16
          + 1/1307674368000*x^15
          + 1/6227020800*x^13
          + 1/239500800*x^12
          + 1/39916800*x^11
          + 1/362880*x^9
          + 1/20160*x^8
          + 1/5040*x^7
          + 1/120*x^5
          + 1/12*x^4
          + 1/6*x^3
          + x
          - cos(x) + 2 -exp(x) )

R = RealField( 200 )
C = ComplexField( 200 )

f( C(10) )

f( R(10) )
f( R(10) )
f( R(10) )

Now the last four calls of f( C(10) ) and f( R(10) ) lead to...


We can also compare with...

sage: f(x) = exp(x) + cos(x) - 2
sage: p = taylor( f(x), x, 0, 28 )
sage: g(x) = sum( [ c*x^pow for c,pow in p.coefficients() ] ) - f(x) 
sage: g(10)
-cos(10) - e^10 + 185630709328907872984/8427947351530707
sage: g(10.)
sage: g( RealField(100)(10) )
sage: g( RealField(200)(10) )
sage: g( RealField(400)(10) )
sage: gp( g(10) )
sage: g(10).n()
sage: g(10).n( digits=100 )