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To compute the elem. sym pol. on some (calculated) roots y1,...,y6, one forms the the polynomial P=(T-y1)*...*(T-y6) and then apply:

[e(SymmetricFunctions(my.base_ring().from_polynomial(P.coefficients()[i])) for i in range(0,]


then these coefficients appear in the form of a sum of elementary functions e[4,2,1..]=e[4]*e[2]*e[1]...

Then I identify "by hand" the e[i]'s

To compute the elem. sym pol. on some (calculated) roots y1,...,y6, I create the ring R=PolynomialRing(ZZ,6,'y') and RR.<T>=R[]. I can assign some calculated values to these yi's. Then one forms the the polynomial P=(T-y1)*...*(T-y6) and then apply:then:

[e(SymmetricFunctions(my.base_ring().from_polynomial(P.coefficients()[i])) [e(SymmetricFunctions(RR.base_ring().from_polynomial(P.coefficients()[i])) for i in range(0,]


then these coefficients appear in the form of a sum of elementary functions e[4,2,1..]=e[4]*e[2]*e[1]...

Then I identify "by hand" the e[i]'s