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Extending @paulmasson's answer regarding Anaconda, you might also invoke sage via a little shell script that sets up an appropriate environment. Something along the lines


export SAGE_ROOT=`ls -d1 /Applications/Sage*/Contents/Resources/sage|tail -1`
export PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin # this overwrites the PATH defined in your .profile and .bashrc
$SAGE_ROOT/local/bin/sage "$@"

Then at the very end of your ~/.profile or ~/.bashrc you add the line

export PATH=~/bin:$PATH

which ensures that before anything else the shell looks for commands in your ~/bin directory. You can then invoke sage from the command line.

Alternatively, if you insist on clicking the sage icon in /Applications, you can just edit /Applications/, which is a shell script. Near the beginning just add the line from above that resets the PATH variable.