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Under OS X 10.11 El Capitan and macOS 10.12 Sierra, the MacTeX installer installs TeXLive in /Library/TeX/texbin, while up to OS X 10.10 Yosemite, it would live in /usr/texbin.

More info about that in

Do you still have a /usr/texbin directory?

At some point the TeXLive distribution shipped a copy of SageTeX.

Maybe you have an old TeX installation either via MacTeX or via Fink, Homebrew or MacPorts?

You could check your PATH (echo $PATH) and see if there is any place where a sagetex.sty might be found.

You could try texdoc sagetex to see if an old SageTeX documentation is found.

Resolving sagetex.VersionError

This section is added to my initial answer, after I just ran into the same problem.

I solved the problem following the instructions on this page:

although for me with Sage 7.4 the location of sagetex was not at


but at


I copied that sagetex folder from my Sage installation to


(you may need to create some of the intermediate folders).

After doing that, everything runs fine.

Background on TeXLive on Mac OS X / OS X / macOS

(This is my initial answer which just gives related information.)

Under OS X 10.11 El Capitan and macOS 10.12 Sierra, the MacTeX installer installs TeXLive in /Library/TeX/texbin, while up to OS X 10.10 Yosemite, it would live in /usr/texbin.

More info about that in

Do you still have a /usr/texbin directory?

At some point the TeXLive distribution shipped a copy of SageTeX.

Maybe you have an old TeX installation either via MacTeX or via Fink, Homebrew or MacPorts?

You could check your PATH (echo $PATH) and see if there is any place where a sagetex.sty might be found.

You could try texdoc sagetex to see if an old SageTeX documentation is found.