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In this particular case, you can make it an integer:

sage: a = 4.546456 * 1000000000 
sage: a
sage: a.parent()
Real Field with 53 bits of precision
sage: ZZ(a)
sage: ZZ(a).parent()
Integer Ring

In the more general case of non-integer result, you can use the nosci option of the str method:

sage: a = 4.54645 
sage: a.str(no_sci=2, skip_zeroes=True)

In this particular case, you can make it an integer:

sage: a = 4.546456 * 1000000000 
sage: a
sage: a.parent()
Real Field with 53 bits of precision
sage: ZZ(a)
sage: ZZ(a).parent()
Integer Ring

In the more general case of non-integer result, result (your second example), you can use the nosci option of the str method:

sage: a = 4.54645 
403455345.556 * 5
sage: a.str(no_sci=2, skip_zeroes=True)