![]() | 1 | initial version |
sage: g=libgap.Group(map(lambda s: libgap.PermList(s.get_perm()), Gautgens))
will give you the underlying permutation group. It has 1 orbit in its natural action (on 8 points):
sage: g.Orbits()
[ [ 1, 2, 5, 3, 6, 4, 7, 8 ] ]
You can convert it into a matrix group acting on GF(4)^8.
sage: mg=libgap.Group(map(lambda s: libgap.PermutationMat(s,8,libgap.GF(4)), g.GeneratorsOfGroup()))
Now you can compute orbits on vectors (see e.g. code in graphs/generators/classical_geometries.py
for details); however, you might want to make sure that GAP's GF(4) is created in a compatible way.