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Revision history [back]

click to hide/show revision 1
initial version

The sumplification is not automatic, you can ask explicitely for it with the .full_simplify() method:

sage: e = integrate(exp(x)*sin(x) + exp(x)*cos(x), x)
sage: e
1/2*(cos(x) + sin(x))*e^x - 1/2*(cos(x) - sin(x))*e^x
sage: e.full_simplify()
click to hide/show revision 2
No.2 Revision

The sumplification simplification is not automatic, you can ask explicitely for it with the .full_simplify() method:

sage: e = integrate(exp(x)*sin(x) + exp(x)*cos(x), x)
sage: e
1/2*(cos(x) + sin(x))*e^x - 1/2*(cos(x) - sin(x))*e^x
sage: e.full_simplify()