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My guess (and this is only a guess, haven't had time to investigate or confirm this) is that this is due to the deprecation of html() for pretty_print(html()). Try in a cell

html(some code)

and see what happens - you should get a deprecation warning. So that is perhaps the source of the problem. A workaround is to just put each line of the cell in pretty_print(html()) or perhaps just html().

I don't believe that Sage notebook (as opposed to SageMathCloud or Jupyter) supports %md, and it's unlikely it would. I've opened this issue but keep in mind that sagenb is mostly in maintenance mode at the current time.

My guess (and this is only a guess, haven't had time to investigate or confirm this) is that this is due to the deprecation of html() for pretty_print(html()). Try in a cell

html(some code)

and see what happens - you should get a deprecation warning. So that is perhaps the source of the problem. A workaround is to just put each line of the cell in pretty_print(html()) or perhaps just html(). Edit: I've reported this upstream.

I don't believe that Sage notebook (as opposed to SageMathCloud or Jupyter) supports %md, and it's unlikely it would. I've opened this issue but keep in mind that sagenb is mostly in maintenance mode at the current time.