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Your code is very close. Try a modification to your list comprehension to get what you are looking for.

S=[X*Y for X in M for Y in M]

I'm not clear on your last question. Can you give an example?

Your code is very close. Try a modification to your list comprehension to get what you are looking for.

S=[X*Y for X in M for Y in M]

I'm not clear on For your last question. Can you give an example?question, one approach is:

print len(q)
print q
a = matrix(ZZ,[[1,0],[0,1]])
b = matrix(ZZ,[[0,1],[1,0]])
c = matrix(ZZ,[[1,1],[0,1]])
d = matrix(ZZ,[[0,1],[0,1]])
S=[prod([M[i] for i in list(p)]) for p in q]
print S