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It seems indeed that there is no standard way to setup the admin password noninteractively. Here is a possible workaround, that uses the fact that the password is stored in the file ~/.sage/sage_notebook.sagenbusers.pickle/. I attach an example (with the password 123456). The following two lines should solve your problem:

mkdir -p ~/.sage/sage_notebook.sagenb
cp /path/to/users.pickle ~/.sage/sage_notebook.sagenb/

It seems indeed that there is no standard way to setup the admin password noninteractively. Here is a possible workaround, that uses the fact that the password is stored in the file ~/.sage/sage_notebook.sagenbusers.pickle/. I attach an example of users.pickle (with the password 123456). The following two lines should solve your problem:

mkdir -p ~/.sage/sage_notebook.sagenb
cp /path/to/users.pickle ~/.sage/sage_notebook.sagenb/

Note: the file has a .png extension so that i can upload it on, it is actually an ASCII file.

It seems indeed that there is no standard way to setup the admin password noninteractively. Here is a possible workaround, that uses the fact that the password is stored in the file ~/.sage/sage_notebook.sagenbusers.pickle/~/.sage/sage_notebook.sagenb/users.pickle/. I attach an example of users.pickle (with the password 123456). The following two lines should solve your problem:

mkdir -p ~/.sage/sage_notebook.sagenb
cp /path/to/users.pickle ~/.sage/sage_notebook.sagenb/

Note: the file has a .png extension so that i can upload it on, it is actually an ASCII file.

It seems indeed that there is no standard way to setup the admin password noninteractively. Here is a possible workaround, that uses the fact that the password is stored in the file ~/.sage/sage_notebook.sagenb/users.pickle/. I attach an example of users.pickle (with the password 123456). The following two lines should solve your problem:

mkdir -p ~/.sage/sage_notebook.sagenb
cp /path/to/users.pickle ~/.sage/sage_notebook.sagenb/

Note: the file has a .png extension so that i can upload it on, it is actually an ASCII file.