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It seems you saved your graph as a Sage object (hence the .sobj extension).

To get it back as a graph, you can do:

 sage: G = load('filename.eps.sobj')

Then you can make a plot object from your graph:

 sage: P = G.plot()

Then you can save this plot object as an .eps file, and the method will know that you want to save the plot as an eps file:


It seems you saved your graph as a Sage object (hence the .sobj extension).

To get it back as a graph, you can do:

 sage: G = load('filename.eps.sobj')

Then you can make a plot object from your graph:

 sage: P = G.plot()

Then you can save this plot object as an .eps file, and the method will know that you want to save the plot as an eps file:


Of course, if you have a graph G in your Sage session, you can directly do:

 sage: G.plot().save('mygraph.eps')