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Could you modify your question adding a bit more information that would help the package manager:

  1. your precise ubuntu version (it is in the file /etc/issue)

  2. the version of the broken sagemath package you use. It can be obtained from the console with

    apt-cache show NAME_OF_THE_PACKAGE

    and possibly the sage version that it corresponds, in a console:

    sage --version
  3. if you know it, the previous package you used for sagemath. In that case, you can downgrade the package with

    sudo apt-get install NAME_OF_THE_PACKAGE=VERSION



Could you modify your question adding a bit more information that would help the package manager:

  1. your precise ubuntu version (it is in the file /etc/issue)

  2. the version of the broken sagemath package you use. It can be obtained from the console with

    apt-cache show NAME_OF_THE_PACKAGE

    and possibly the sage version that it corresponds, in a console:

    sage --version
  3. if you know it, the previous package you used for sagemath. In that case, you can downgrade the package with

    sudo apt-get install NAME_OF_THE_PACKAGE=VERSION
  4. which commands did you do in R/sage in order to get these errors.

I opened a thread on sage-devel for this issue.

Thanks Vincent