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This is because everytime you run sage -c 'some command', you have to wait for Sage to start up. I remember this came up a few years ago either on ask-sage or on one of the mailing lists sage-support, sage-devel, ... and someone said one solution was to have an instance of Sage running constantly in the background, so that the request would just be executed without having to start up Sage at each request. I'll try to track down a reference, or maybe someone will remember or just explain how to do that.

This is because everytime you run sage -c 'some command', you have to wait for Sage to start up. I remember this came up a few years ago either on ask-sage or on one of the mailing lists sage-support, sage-devel, ... and someone said one solution was to have an instance of Sage running constantly in the background, so that the request would just be executed without having to start up Sage at each request. I'll try to track down a reference, or maybe someone will remember or just explain how to do that.

One time a similar question was asked was on sage-support, 2011-08-02. There must have been more.

A lot of thought also goes into improving the start-up time: a quick search for sage start-up time will reveal many discussions on the above-mentioned mailing lists, and on the Sage trac. But here what you want is not to start Sage each time, more than a lower start-up time.

This is because everytime you run sage -c 'some command', you have to wait for Sage to start up. I remember this came up a few years ago either on ask-sage or on one of the mailing lists sage-support, sage-devel, ... and someone said one solution was to have an instance of Sage running constantly in the background, so that the request would just be executed without having to start up Sage at each request. I'll try Trying to track down a reference, or maybe someone will remember or just explain how to do that.

One time a similar question was asked was on I came across the following three:
sage-devel, 2011-01-15, Sage forker
sage-support, 2011-08-02. There must have been more., start-up time in sage scripts
sage-support, 2012-06-28, Faster sage command line startup?

It seems that sage-forker, developed by Jeroen Demeyer and Jason Grout, was an important ingredient. I don't know if it is still current or if there is now some other way to achieve the same result.

A lot of thought also goes into improving the start-up time: a quick search for sage start-up time will reveal many discussions on the above-mentioned mailing lists, and on the Sage trac. But here what you want is not to start Sage each time, more than a lower start-up time.